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The 4Ps of Digital Marketing

Posted: Thu Dec 05, 2024 9:57 am
by zihadhosenjm03
Whenever we talk about Marketing we emphasize the famous 4Ps or the marketing mix: Product, Price, Place and Promotion. These 4Ps were defined more than 50 years ago and as we know things have been changing frantically. The Internet, new technologies and business organization models have led Marketing to evolve and the 4Ps have been reinvented and adapted to Digital Marketing.

Do you want to know what the 4Ps of 21st century marketing are?
This new concept was created by Idris Mootee within the ghana whatsapp number data 5 million context of Web 3.0. This model proposes new variables to take into account when making decisions within Digital Marketing and revolves around two realities: the Internet and people. In this way, the new 4Ps are:

P eer-to-Peer Communities
Predictive Modelling or Modeled Predictions
Let's look at them a little more closely.


Our customers are not all the same and they don't like to be treated as such. Therefore, the idea of ​​mass marketing that covers a large audience is out of the question. Now companies use user data to offer them products that may be of interest to them based on the type of browsing they do. Often, they even ask about their age, interests or tastes, so that they can personalize their services.

At this time, all companies are asking themselves questions about whether they really know the needs of their clients. The main objective of this second factor is precisely to have the participation of clients in developing our products or services. And for this, there is a fundamental tool: the creation of different virtual communities so that clients have their own voice so that they can give their opinion, suggest improvements or even make their recommendations and companies can serve as a guide.

Now put yourself in the consumer's shoes. When you go to buy a product, what do you trust more? Advertising or the opinions of your friends or family?

Well, here is the key. This is the function, which is extremely important, that social networks fulfill. Hence the importance of creating company accounts on those platforms where our target audience is present. In addition, these opinions can be given in “real time”, which makes everything much more interesting and effective. We continually see content from users who recommend or not a certain product or service. For example, before booking a hotel room, the most common thing is to take a look at user opinions. And we cannot forget about influencers…

The advantage of this stage in the evolution of Marketing that we mentioned at the beginning of this post is that everything we do on the Internet can be measured and quantified.

For this reason, it is essential for brands to see how customers interact online in order to design action strategies based on these behaviors and their preferences. The most interesting thing is that, thanks to these metrics, it is possible to predict what may interest the customer in the short and medium term and develop very effective plans.

In short, the no longer so new 4Ps of Digital Marketing help us plan our brand strategies by focusing on users, their interests and opinions and creating close and long-lasting B2C relationships.