Character Count: Keep It Minimal or Overdo It?
Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2024 5:22 am
Short Email Subjects : Let's look at the image. At first glance, where does the eye fall? In the B2B sector, there was a +27% in the opening rate for those emails with a subject composed of less than 20 characters.
Long email subjects : Apple is the one to lead the way here. Do subjects over 65 characters work? It would seem so: in the B2B sector, an increase in email opening rates of 15% has been observed.
Email Lead Nurturing: When is the Best Time to Send?
Scheduling your emails: what are the best days? How many communications to send in a given period? How far apart should the first email be from the next?
Day of the week
As regards the choice of days of the week to send promotions, it has been brazil telegram data observed that in the last period particularly interesting opening rates have been recorded at the beginning of the week , with a curve that goes down as the weekend approaches.
And how often should we schedule mailings when we set up an email lead nurturing strategy? The results presented during the meeting show how in the last period (still marked by the Covid-19 pandemic) the number of users who actively use their mailbox has grown, and how the opening and response rates to messages have increased. If previously, to propose an offer, at most a couple of emails were used, now marketers have realized that at this moment the public is willing to receive and "consume" more of them. Not only by increasing the number of promotional communications relating to the same offer, but also by decreasing the time interval between one mailing and another , decidedly positive response rates are obtained (in the B2B sector +24% compared to the traditional mailing pattern).
Testing Your Email Lead Nurturing Strategy
These indications do not claim to be universally valid. Some trends may change over time and some advice may be difficult to apply to certain business situations. So how to proceed? Starting from the proposed insights, it is necessary to begin testing and measuring the results obtained : only in this way will it be possible to truly understand which techniques work best in each spec
Long email subjects : Apple is the one to lead the way here. Do subjects over 65 characters work? It would seem so: in the B2B sector, an increase in email opening rates of 15% has been observed.
Email Lead Nurturing: When is the Best Time to Send?
Scheduling your emails: what are the best days? How many communications to send in a given period? How far apart should the first email be from the next?
Day of the week
As regards the choice of days of the week to send promotions, it has been brazil telegram data observed that in the last period particularly interesting opening rates have been recorded at the beginning of the week , with a curve that goes down as the weekend approaches.
And how often should we schedule mailings when we set up an email lead nurturing strategy? The results presented during the meeting show how in the last period (still marked by the Covid-19 pandemic) the number of users who actively use their mailbox has grown, and how the opening and response rates to messages have increased. If previously, to propose an offer, at most a couple of emails were used, now marketers have realized that at this moment the public is willing to receive and "consume" more of them. Not only by increasing the number of promotional communications relating to the same offer, but also by decreasing the time interval between one mailing and another , decidedly positive response rates are obtained (in the B2B sector +24% compared to the traditional mailing pattern).
Testing Your Email Lead Nurturing Strategy
These indications do not claim to be universally valid. Some trends may change over time and some advice may be difficult to apply to certain business situations. So how to proceed? Starting from the proposed insights, it is necessary to begin testing and measuring the results obtained : only in this way will it be possible to truly understand which techniques work best in each spec