You can be a startup , a company that has been on the web for years, or an already established brand that wants to improve its turnover. Every reality needs personalized planning .
Estimate the project budget
One of the first evaluations to make to understand how to reach the objectives senegal phone numbers set is to define a budget . I am not only talking about the money to pay an analysis specialist, but about costs that are sometimes ignored but in reality are equally important:
the budget to invest in SEO optimization for example
the budget to improve web page loading
the expenses to be dedicated to advertising campaigns
the finances to be used for the creation of multimedia content(images, texts, videos, web pages)
Evaluate the objectives to be achieved
At this stage, it is possible to understand if one or more objectives are actually achievable and evaluate the time needed to achieve them. Some of the main intentions of those who have an online business could be:
Recover lost organic traffic

expand brand awareness
increase conversions (and micro-conversions)
reduce the number of site abandonments
reduce advertising costs
Implement strategies
Now that we know what the objectives are and we have set a budget, we can create a strategy that allows us to improve our presence on the web. To make it effective, we need to start from:
a market analysis
a study of the data history (through the platforms seen before)
an observation of machine learning data (Google Ads, Facebook Ads, etc.)
an investigation of the target user's profile (age, gender, interests, habits, etc.)
an analysis of the user's purchasing path also called Customer Journey (which routes the user takes online and offline, what are the trigger points that can attract customers)
Get more data from your site
A Journey Through Google Analytics Data
Now, assuming we have set up the tracking code and collected some neat information, let's explore the data. First, let's figure out how to attribute more objective and less statistical values.
The Google Analytics menu is already structured to provide us with an overview of the quality of traffic on our site.
Use of Google Analytics on Mirko Ciesco's website
Inside we find all the metrics needed to understand the composition of your traffic:
the nu