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CormAnd themptheAndmAndnttorAnd un CRM then toztheAndndto then mordor AndffthectocAnd

Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2024 9:41 am
by mdsojolh634
With an average ROI of € 8.71 earned for every euro spent, CRM is the technology that many Italian companies have focused on in recent years to scale sales and restructure the architecture of their business processes. There is only one obstacle that must be addressed: the effective implementation of the software.

During the decision-making process for adopting a new (or first) CRM, many aspects are taken into consideration before a final decision can be made: what are the needs of each team at an japan telephone number data organizational level, which provider to rely on, what type of package to choose, and so on. What is not paid enough attention to, however, is the detailed planning of the steps that will lead to a correct integration of the new software into the company's ecosystem.

In this article we will analyze what are the main points to pay attention to during this process and which steps are useful to successfully implement a CRM in a company .

Table of Contents

The strategy
The project manager
Managers' engagement
Overcoming friction
Data Migration
The strategy
Implementing CRM software requires that you and your team be prepared for each stage of adoption. The first component of your CRM implementation strategy should be ensuring that you have sufficient data backup prior to launch. Create hard copies, as well as cloud copies, of all software specifications, customizations, and required data on a flash drive or external hard drive to ensure that no important information is lost during the transition.

Before you make the transition, you should create an action plan that takes into account a strict timeline and budget. With a set timeline, you can schedule multiple training sessions for your staff to ensure they are ready for the transition. Prepare for the implementation in phases so that your staff is not overwhelmed by the new technology. By breaking down the implementation in this way, you can reduce employee errors and shorten the learning curve for those who need more time to prepare.

The timeline for implementing a new CRM system depends on the size of the company and its various departments. However, most small and medium-sized businesses can expect the implementation to take between one and six months. Other key variables include the CRM solution chosen and any training or consulting programs offered by the CRM provider.

According to a statistic carried out by Meta Group Inc., 55% to 75% of implementations fail due to lack of employee use. For this reason, it is essential that in the early stages of adoption your company is supported by an expert partner who is able to guide your organization step by step in this important change.

Exelab specializes in the integration of HubSpot , one of the most used CRMs globally and which is famously recognized for its user-friendliness and intuitiveness.


The first phase of the implementation will consist of a careful analysis of your organization's processes, followed by the drafting of the Blueprint and the planning of a project modeled around your specific needs. Below you will find the scheme of the phases that we use in Exelab with our customers and that can give you an idea of ​​the process of implementing your CRM.

CRM Implementation Steps

Click here to learn more about Exelab and how we help hundreds of companies scale their processes every day.

To learn more about HubSpot, you can download our HubSpot Guide 2022 by clicking on the banner below.

How to Implement HubSpot CRM

The training
As mentioned in the previous section, it is essential to have a tailored plan before implementing a CRM system , and proper team training should be an integral part of it. The training phase is essential to ensure that the shift is completed effectively and smoothly.