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Posted: Mon Dec 09, 2024 10:32 am
These may seem like trivial questions, but too often I meet entrepreneurs and companies who have ideas about this that are completely disconnected from reality.
Even though the World Wide Web has existed for almost thirty years, many still live in the myth that on the Internet everything is possible and, above all, easily accessible .
I want to tell you something: this website is visited every month by thailand mobile phone numbers database thousands of users. Many of them, like you, write to me for information. They even present me with good ideas, but they live in the illusion of being able to invest a few hundred euros and have thousands of visitors as if it were enough to snap your fingers to have a line outside the store.
The great thing is that I try to make them understand that they have to completely change their perspective and review the project from the ground up, but often they are so convinced of their ideas that they want to spend money uselessly, create a website like this, do a campaign on Facebook, Google and Instagram with the idea that their business can turn around from one day to the next.
If you are one of them, stop reading because you might fall into depression .
The truth is that yes, the barriers to entry are very low to start an internet business, but it is also true that making it work and having a positive ROI is very difficult. First of all because the competition is ruthless, fierce, rich and numerous. Secondly because identifying an audience, reaching them and earning their trust is an art that requires many different knowledge.
Do you think that making a sponsored post on Facebook is enough? Creating a Google Ads campaign?
To climb the rankings and reach the top positions in search engines requires a lot of resources and often, in many areas, this is simply an impossible goal.
In short, the first question you need to ask yourself, but really and bluntly, is: does your project have a future on the internet?
The answer to this question is very often… YES, but not in the way you imagined .
If at the end of this page the answer is still yes (as I hope), the next question for you or your company will be: do you have the economic, mental, human resources to move forward with your project? Can you afford a web agency? But let's go step by step...
Why 99% of Websites Flop (What Consultants and Web Agencies Usually Don't Tell You)
Every year in Italy 2000 sites disappear. A large number of these, in their existence are visited by a few dozen users. And even a large number of those that remain alive have a few dozen visitors per month. But still many companies and many professionals think that having a site, without having a web marketing strategy, time and resources makes sense. Many, on the contrary, will tell you that sites are no longer useful because now there are social media or that email is dead. Many also tell you that the internet is no longer useful because perhaps they started with unrealizable hopes they have collided with reality and now believe that it is useless. The truth is obviously neither one nor the other.
99% of websites are a flop because instead of being a tool to convert visitors into customers, they are built with the idea that it is a magic magnet that will attract crowds of visitors, when in reality this never happens. In fact, the opposite happens. If you create a website today without having an excellent product, the right tools and an adequate web marketing strategy, that website will remain invisible, just like your Instagram profile or your Facebook page will remain invisible.
The Internet is a great opportunity but also a ruthless playing field
Why is it difficult to do web marketing?
The Internet is not a playground for business: it is an arena where competition is fierce and the survival rate is minimal.
Making your way among your competitors, the web giants, the site made by your cousin, your grandmother's friend, prontopro, upwork etc... is not easy for anyone.
But the method exists and it is older than the internet, but first I want to tell you why web marketing only works when it is done well.
First of all, if you are not an established brand, your goal is not to reach the masses, but to build, with the right timing, a tribe of people who are passionate about what you do and what you are able to propose, who believe in you, in your history, in your products and in your company.
This, incredibly, applies at any level and for any type of activity.
Trust is the rarest commodity on the internet today and gaining it should be your primary goal if you really want to earn money on the internet.
Yes, it's easy to say... But what does it really mean to gain someone's trust on the Internet?

I'll tell you in a moment. Actually, I'm already telling you, this secret is kept in the same lines you're reading. And if you're reading, you're already ahead of many of your competitors.
To help you understand this further, I want to talk to you about the principle of reciprocity. It is a concept that once explained seems trivial, but in reality it is not at all. This concept has been very important in human relationships since the world began. It tells us that, as human beings, we are much more willing to give (and trust) when we have received something in return.
Indeed, receiving something puts us in the mental state of "being indebted" to having to give something in turn.
If we want people to trust us and give us their attention (attention is the second rarest commodity after trust), we first have to give something.
How? The easiest way on the internet is to help people by offering them something that solves their pressing problem. As an entrepreneur, professional or marketer you offer some kind of answer to a problem or need of someone with your own work. To be able to earn money on the internet you have to offer even before there is an exchange of money, and the sooner you can do it, the more likely you will be to arrive at an economic transaction (receiving money, giving products or services). It seems easy, but the secret is all here and a high level web agency masters this concept and knows how to turn it into action.
Even though the World Wide Web has existed for almost thirty years, many still live in the myth that on the Internet everything is possible and, above all, easily accessible .
I want to tell you something: this website is visited every month by thailand mobile phone numbers database thousands of users. Many of them, like you, write to me for information. They even present me with good ideas, but they live in the illusion of being able to invest a few hundred euros and have thousands of visitors as if it were enough to snap your fingers to have a line outside the store.
The great thing is that I try to make them understand that they have to completely change their perspective and review the project from the ground up, but often they are so convinced of their ideas that they want to spend money uselessly, create a website like this, do a campaign on Facebook, Google and Instagram with the idea that their business can turn around from one day to the next.
If you are one of them, stop reading because you might fall into depression .
The truth is that yes, the barriers to entry are very low to start an internet business, but it is also true that making it work and having a positive ROI is very difficult. First of all because the competition is ruthless, fierce, rich and numerous. Secondly because identifying an audience, reaching them and earning their trust is an art that requires many different knowledge.
Do you think that making a sponsored post on Facebook is enough? Creating a Google Ads campaign?
To climb the rankings and reach the top positions in search engines requires a lot of resources and often, in many areas, this is simply an impossible goal.
In short, the first question you need to ask yourself, but really and bluntly, is: does your project have a future on the internet?
The answer to this question is very often… YES, but not in the way you imagined .
If at the end of this page the answer is still yes (as I hope), the next question for you or your company will be: do you have the economic, mental, human resources to move forward with your project? Can you afford a web agency? But let's go step by step...
Why 99% of Websites Flop (What Consultants and Web Agencies Usually Don't Tell You)
Every year in Italy 2000 sites disappear. A large number of these, in their existence are visited by a few dozen users. And even a large number of those that remain alive have a few dozen visitors per month. But still many companies and many professionals think that having a site, without having a web marketing strategy, time and resources makes sense. Many, on the contrary, will tell you that sites are no longer useful because now there are social media or that email is dead. Many also tell you that the internet is no longer useful because perhaps they started with unrealizable hopes they have collided with reality and now believe that it is useless. The truth is obviously neither one nor the other.
99% of websites are a flop because instead of being a tool to convert visitors into customers, they are built with the idea that it is a magic magnet that will attract crowds of visitors, when in reality this never happens. In fact, the opposite happens. If you create a website today without having an excellent product, the right tools and an adequate web marketing strategy, that website will remain invisible, just like your Instagram profile or your Facebook page will remain invisible.
The Internet is a great opportunity but also a ruthless playing field
Why is it difficult to do web marketing?
The Internet is not a playground for business: it is an arena where competition is fierce and the survival rate is minimal.
Making your way among your competitors, the web giants, the site made by your cousin, your grandmother's friend, prontopro, upwork etc... is not easy for anyone.
But the method exists and it is older than the internet, but first I want to tell you why web marketing only works when it is done well.
First of all, if you are not an established brand, your goal is not to reach the masses, but to build, with the right timing, a tribe of people who are passionate about what you do and what you are able to propose, who believe in you, in your history, in your products and in your company.
This, incredibly, applies at any level and for any type of activity.
Trust is the rarest commodity on the internet today and gaining it should be your primary goal if you really want to earn money on the internet.
Yes, it's easy to say... But what does it really mean to gain someone's trust on the Internet?

I'll tell you in a moment. Actually, I'm already telling you, this secret is kept in the same lines you're reading. And if you're reading, you're already ahead of many of your competitors.
To help you understand this further, I want to talk to you about the principle of reciprocity. It is a concept that once explained seems trivial, but in reality it is not at all. This concept has been very important in human relationships since the world began. It tells us that, as human beings, we are much more willing to give (and trust) when we have received something in return.
Indeed, receiving something puts us in the mental state of "being indebted" to having to give something in turn.
If we want people to trust us and give us their attention (attention is the second rarest commodity after trust), we first have to give something.
How? The easiest way on the internet is to help people by offering them something that solves their pressing problem. As an entrepreneur, professional or marketer you offer some kind of answer to a problem or need of someone with your own work. To be able to earn money on the internet you have to offer even before there is an exchange of money, and the sooner you can do it, the more likely you will be to arrive at an economic transaction (receiving money, giving products or services). It seems easy, but the secret is all here and a high level web agency masters this concept and knows how to turn it into action.