Identifying and segmenting your audience, classifying it based on pre-established attributes and criteria, is a fundamental step for a successful integrated marketing strategy .
We at Lead Champion are aware of the importance of segmenting prospects in the lead generation process : for this reason we have included a practical division into lists in the Lead Champion discover platform .
Let's find out together how Lead Champion discover lists are structured and how to get the most out of this feature!
What are Lead Champion custom lists and how do they work?
Within the Lead Champion discover platform, you can filter incoming leads based on a range of criteria , including:
the origin of the visit (Google, referral, Facebook, adwords etc)
The URL address of the page visited
The firmographic score and the behavioral score
The tags , both manual and behavioral, assigned to the company.
Lead Champion custom lists can be easily created by france phone number library combining one or more of these filters in the Leads tab and applying the Save command .
Lead Champion Lists - Save
Once you have set up a custom list , it can then be consulted separately under the Lists menu item. This way, we will have a quick and concise view of the qualified leads that really interest us for a specific audience segment.
The application scenarios for custom lists are endless: a custom list of the hottest leads, for example, can be automatically assigned to the sales department , for a greater chance of completing sales negotiations .
The granularity of Lead Champion discover list controls, as we will see later, also allows this functionality to be adapted to very different use cases.
Lead Champion discover also offers the possibility of exporting the contents of an entire list in Excel format , for even greater flexibility in using and interpreting the data obtained.
The Lead Champion Lists menu discover
In addition to custom lists, Lead Champion Discover’s Lists menu includes four equally useful predefined list categories to further refine your audience segmentation.
Lead Champion Lists - Clients
List that includes companies marked as already customers . It is very useful for monitoring the latter and for managing upselling or reordering opportunities.