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Influence marketing: how to make partnerships more transparent

Posted: Tue Dec 10, 2024 7:16 am
by kolikhatun0022
Some Influencer Marketing campaigns lack transparency, some collaborations with influencers are not clearly indicated, some influencers have recently been pinned for being unfair about the commercial nature of their publications. We all have in mind posts on social networks that maintain an artistic blur between personal life and promotional logic, without any reference to any advertising partnership. These influencers thus maintain a certain ambiguity that is no longer tolerable...

Aware that the market has grown rapidly and anarchicly, the ARPP has issued a code of good conduct... The Professional Advertising Regulatory Authority is the body that regulates gambling data hong kong advertising in France. Since last year, it has been highlighting a number of rules of good practice for partnerships between brands and influencers. For the ARPP, an influencer (blogger, vlogger, etc.) is an individual expressing a point of view or giving advice, in a specific field and according to a style or treatment that is specific to them and that their audience identifies. Since that date, influencers can directly join the ARPP in order to help them in their collaborations with brands for the publication of content (product placement, participation in the production of content, distribution of advertising content, etc.). They can base themselves on a video to set up their collaboration with brands in complete transparency.


Stéphane Martin , Director General of the ARPP, told 20 Minutes: “On social networks, we have barely ten years of experience, the speakers lack pedagogy. Aware that the market has grown rapidly and anarchicly, the ARPP decided last year to react by issuing a code of good conduct praising transparency and loyalty. First, the commercial collaboration must be brought to the attention of the public in an explicit and instantaneous manner. The collaboration must be understood immediately, without waiting for the end of a video for example.”

In which cases should the existence of a commercial collaboration be disclosed?
As soon as there are reciprocal commitments, the influencer agrees, for example, to publish content in exchange for payment, a gift or an invitation… In this case, the collaboration must be brought to the attention of the public in a clear and instantaneous manner. However, since influencer marketing is characterized by a freedom of tone and expression to which the influencer is particularly attached, the content will be distinguished from a classic advertisement, unless the brand or its representative have exercised preponderant control and validation before publication of the content promoting a product or service. In this case, as for any advertisement, all of the ARPP's recommendations will apply.