A buyer persona must answer the following questions:

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A buyer persona must answer the following questions:

Post by sakibkhan22102 »

What a good buyer persona should include to optimize your content marketing
A good buyer persona is based on a mix of real data and speculation based on experience and market research.

To create a buyer persona we take into account list of telegram users in new zealand data such as demographic, geographic, social information, objectives and motivations, pain points, needs, problems suffered, purchasing or information consumption habits, interests, professional information…


What is your socio-professional profile? Age? Male or female? Do you live in an urban or rural environment? What is your disposable income? And your hobbies? What is your family situation? What is a normal day in your life like?
What type of company do you work for? What industry do you work in? What position do you hold? What department do you work in? What are your hours?
What are their goals, challenges, and needs? What problems might they be facing? What are their desires, goals, and needs? What answers or help are they looking for? What do they value most? What objections do they have to your product or service?
What is their purchasing behaviour? What criteria do they use to select a supplier? Can they decide on the purchase themselves? If so, how do they make that decision? If not, how can they influence the person making the decision?
What are their means and sources of learning and information? How do they search for new information? What are their preferred content? What channels do they use to communicate?
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