Innovation in the hotel sector thanks to creativity and technology

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Innovation in the hotel sector thanks to creativity and technology

Post by aktAkterSabiha15 »

Innovation in the hotel sector thanks to creativity and technology
By Ipanema Communication , May 6

Yesterday we gave a conference on innovation in the hotel sector in a privileged space: the Apple Store on Paseo de Gracia in Barcelona. A perfect setting to talk about the future of the relationship between hotels and technology and how it can help us get to know our customers in real time and generate unique and personalized experiences for them.

Together with Edoardo Peschechera – commercial director of SetNova italy telegram mobile phone number listand Apple consultant – we briefly reviewed the current situation of the hotel industry, a sector that currently places little emphasis on improving customer experience and focuses its interest mainly on operational and strategic management.

90% of the hotel industry does not have mobile solutions , but 99% of its clients are mobile users


So how can hotels improve their customers' user experience using technology? The answer is simple but complex at the same time: they must anticipate the changing needs of customers. This is where Big Data, the power of information, comes into play.

Big Data: How to Understand Data
Technology will allow us to know, store and consult this data so that we can develop customized services to target customers according to their preferences and behavior . To achieve this relationship between hotel, technology and customers, an intelligent tool will be needed that works as a common denominator: the smartphone . A device through which the hotel will be able to obtain data from its customers and use it to improve the user experience and offer customized services.

Carrying out this entire process is not easy, and requires a well-developed relationship marketing strategy behind it. Thanks to Phokus, a new mobile marketing solution, this process is already a reality today. Phokus is a proximity marketing solution based on user interaction with a brand through mobile devices at the right time and place. To achieve a superior user experience, Phokus relates the data collected from each user to be able to anticipate their tastes or needs in order to personalize valuable services and, in turn, increase business benefits.
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