Linkedin Account Based Marketing: The Ultimate Guide (2023)

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Linkedin Account Based Marketing: The Ultimate Guide (2023)

Post by simaseo1056 »

Why do companies fail to meet sales targets?


If you ask the Sales people, they will tell you:

“ Marketing is sending us the wrong leads! ”

If you ask marketers, they will say:

“Sales can’t close the amazing leads we send them!” .

This is the eternal problem of Marketing and Sales alignment …

sales marketing alignment with linkedin abm

What if I told you that Account Based Marketing (ABM) on Linkedin can put an end to all this?

That marketing and sales can be perfectly aligned?

This is what you will learn in this complete tutorial on Linkedin ABM .

Export leads from Sales Navigator for free
I'll show you how to build a system where sales will never complain about lead quality again.

Let's get started!

What is Account Based Marketing on Linkedin?
Account-Based-Marketing (ABM) on Linkedin is a sales-albania whatsapp number data 5 million oriented marketing approach . Marketing teams that do ABM focus on the quality of leads, not the quantity. They work hand in hand with sales teams to convert studied lists of prospects into customers.

Linkedin ABM turns the classic inbound marketing channel on its head .

LinkedIn account based marketing funnel
In the classic approach to marketing the marketing team is told:

“Go find leads !”

A classic inbound strategy is therefore adopted in which Marketing Qualified Leads (MQL) are generated for Sales.

Generate traffic (content/ads/events)
Capture contact details or get demo books (with forms)
Pass the MQL to the Sales for a qualification call
The Sales decides if the MQL is a Sales Qualified Lead (SQL)
If lead is SQL, the Sales can close him.
It usually happens that Sales receives tons of unqualified leads from marketing .

You may notice that having two definitions for qualified leads (MQL vs SQL) is already a sign that Marketing and Sales are not aligned on what constitutes a qualified lead.

linkedin inbound marketing funnel

You just saw that this system looks awesome.

Now I will show you exactly how to do Account Based Marketing with Linkedin.

Read more.

Account Based Marketing on Linkedin: How to Get Started?
Account Based Marketing on Linkedin requires a little bit of setup before you can get started.

You need 2 things: get all co-workers onboard and a Linkedin Sales Navigator License.

1. Everyone must be involved
The first thing to understand about Account Based Marketing on Linkedin :

This is not another fancy technique that you can test for 2 weeks and then abandon.

You need your entire sales and marketing team along with your executives to agree to commit to this strategy.

How to organize account based marketing on linkedin
Without the commitment of these three parties, it will be really difficult to implement ABM for Linkedin in your business.

That's why I'm taking the time to explain everything in detail:

If you're reading this article, you're probably the person who has to convince their colleagues to get involved.

You also need to open your wallet…

2. Get a Linkedin Sales Navigator License
The Linkedin outreach and Linkedin Ads techniques that I am about to show you absolutely require a subscription to Linkedin Sales Navigator .

linkedin account based marketing with sales navigator
This tool will be essential for you to:
This tool allows you to access the full power of the Linkedin database.

Additionally, LinkedIn has made some efforts in recent years to specifically tailor it for ABM.

If you want to know more about the Sales Navigator features , I have prepared a complete tutorial on how to use them.

Export leads from Sales Navigator for free
Now that I've prepared you,

1. Define the ideal customer profile (ICP)
Very important: by “customer” here we mean company , not person.

Before you get your hands on Linkedin's vast database, think about the accounts that would be perfect customers for your product or service.

icp account based marketing
If you're lacking inspiration, try looking at your current customers .

They are the perfect data sample if you are studying how to scale.

To build your ICP, you can consider various indices or signals.

There are static signals:

Growth rate
Size of a specific department (IT or Sales for examples)
Use of specific technologies
And dynamic signals :

New product launch
Opening of a new country
Of course, you will find a wide variety of profiles .

Not all profiles will be of equal importance to you.

Some will have a higher priority.

Additionally, some accounts will need to be approached differently than others.


But don't worry.

The ABM Tiers System is here to help you handle this challenge

Let's see how it works.

2. Prioritize profiles with the ABM level system
When doing Account Based Marketing on Linkedin or any other tool, accounts are usually divided into 3 levels.

linkedin account based marketing level system
These levels define the importance of each profile for your business and, above all, the strategy to apply to approach them.

I'll tell you more in part 5 —

For now, let's see how profiles are usually divided.

Level I: The “Must Haves”
Definition: These are the main profiles that the business absolutely must “close” in order to be successful. These are usually large companies, with large logos that would look great on your website.

tiers 1 account based marketing
Approach: You never get a second chance to make a good impression on them. That’s why your top salespeople and C-suite executives will be tasked with manual outreach and liaising with their decision makers.
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