Types of Internet Advertising - Everything You Need to Know About Advertising on the Internet

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Types of Internet Advertising - Everything You Need to Know About Advertising on the Internet

Post by mstlucky8072 »

What is internet advertising and what is it for?
Internet advertising (online advertising) is a modern form of promotion that uses the Internet as a medium to reach recipients. Its main goal is to increase the visibility of a given brand, promote products and services, and encourage specific actions - e.g. to make a purchase, sign up, or fill out a contact form. Thanks to appropriate targeting, this advertising allows for effective reach to a precisely defined group of people, thus increasing the chances of achieving the intended goals.

Forms of Internet Advertising
Advertisements on the Internet are divided according to whether users are aware that they are seeing them. According to this criterion, there are two types of Internet advertisements: overt advertisements and covert advertisements . In other words, a user who encounters overt advertising on the Internet is aware from the very first moment that it is an advertisement. In the case of covert advertising, this may not be so obvious.

Public advertising
The group of overt advertisements includes all advertising messages that are clearly visible. These are contents marked as sponsored, promoted or advertising. Among them, we can distinguish advertisements in social media, graphic advertisements on portals or sponsored articles.

Google Ads
The Google Ads system is one of the paid representatives of public advertising systems. It allows the display of a link to the advertiser's website above the organic results for keywords of interest entered in the Google search engine or in the form of a banner ad in the Google partner network.

Google Ads offers a large number of ad formats, so you can choose the type that best suits your expectations and industry. These include:

text ads (sponsored links) – paid positions that appear at the top and bottom of search results,
Product Ads (Google Shopping) – a catalog of products related to a query that appears in search results in the form of a carousel, in the image search engine or on the Shopping tab,
graphic ads (display ads) - advertising banners displayed on the Google partner network,
remarketing – online advertising that follows a user, e.g. when they were on a store website but did not make a purchase,
video ads - e.g. on YouTube,
in-app advertising,
Performance Max campaigns – advertising that uses different formats and display locations to maximize campaign effectiveness.
Running a Google Ads advertising campaign requires business owner database knowledge and experience, and an improperly formatted one can expose the advertiser to financial losses. For this reason, it is worth entrusting it to experienced people and agencies — such as ours.


You can learn more about the costs of advertising in Google Ads on our blog.

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Meta Ads
Meta Ads (formerly Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads) is a platform owned by Meta that allows you to create, manage, and optimize advertising campaigns. Meta Ads are available on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Messenger, and WhatsApp, as well as thousands of mobile applications.

Meta allows you to direct paid ads to a wide audience on social media using targeting tools. It allows you to precisely define your target group using information about your users (such as demographics, interests, and behaviors).

If you are interested in creating campaigns in the meta ecosystem, I recommend the article: Facebook Ads for Beginners.

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Sponsored articles
Sponsored articles are a form of advertising that involves paid placement of content on other sites or media. These publications are usually created in such a way that they fit into the general idea of ​​the site they are on. They often look like regular articles. A sponsored article is a combination of content marketing and traditional forms of online advertising - they simultaneously provide valuable information and subtly promote a company, product or service.

The result of publishing a sponsored article is not only redirecting users to our website, promoting the offer and the entire company, but also improving and strengthening SEO activities. Placing a backlink to your own website is part of the process called link building. The more links from valuable websites, the greater the authority of our website, which translates into higher positions in search results.

We wrote about what exactly link building is and how it works in a separate entry on our blog: Link Building - what is worth knowing?

Advertising banners
Banner ads are internet ads displayed in the form of graphic elements that appear on websites and are intended to encourage the recipient to click on the ad. Display ads are most often linked to the user's search history, their online activity or the page they are on - although this is not always the case. They can contain text, graphics, animation and video, making them a very versatile advertising tool.

Their significant disadvantage is that they can sometimes obscure important elements on the page, which can be annoying for recipients.

A newsletter as a form of advertising is a regular email message that informs subscribers about new offers, promotions, events, and other important information related to a given company or brand. A newsletter helps build relationships with customers, strengthens loyalty, and is also useful in promoting your product and service offerings.

Remember that sending emails with commercial or marketing information to users is only possible after obtaining their prior consent. You can start building a database by offering something in exchange for leaving your email. This could be access to premium content or a discount code for purchases.

Please note that the number of messages sent cannot be too large, so that the recipient does not consider them spam and does not unsubscribe.

You can read more about what a newsletter is and how to use it to achieve your marketing goals in another article on our blog.
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