Digital elements are used in digital marketing strategies to promote the company and reach customers. You should know that the more elements you include, the more likely you are to generate traffic. For example, if you have a banner , social media, and digital brochures, your chances of reaching more people will increase.
At Mediapost , we tell you about the different digital elements that you can add to your marketing strategy and why it is important for them all to come together.
What is the banner?
Banners are a digital advertising format that, in mom database conventional advertising, would be like a billboard. They combine images , text and, sometimes, interactive elements. It should be noted that they appear on a lot of sites on the Internet, so their content should not give the impression of saturation because the user will not click on it, which is precisely the objective of the brand.
Other digital elements
The more digital elements your brand has, the easier it will be for users to create an image of you and get to know your philosophy and products. Below we list a series of digital elements that we consider essential.
Digital brochure and interactive brochure
Both digital brochures and interactive brochures are used to advertise products with their features and price. It is a form of visual advertising that helps the user understand what you sell and what uses it has.
Push notification
These are instant messages that you receive from social networks, apps, etc. For example, you receive the latest news from a newspaper and your mobile phone screen lights up. That's a push notification. Although they are common on mobile phones, they also exist on the Internet.
Its use varies depending on the brands' objective and needs. It can be used to: notify about new messages, inform about the weather, inform about breaking news, about traffic in your city, etc.
An app speaks for itself, meaning you'll find all the information about the brand and its products in it. You'll be able to make purchases, get in touch with the team, stay up to date with the latest news, etc.
Seamless 360 and its relationship with hybrid marketing
The fusion of digital strategies and traditional marketing strategies results in hybrid marketing . And, if you add seamless 360 to this , you will be able to offer a comprehensive view of all your campaigns, thus eliminating the differences and boundaries between the online and offline channels.