Catering for events: how to connect with audiences

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Catering for events: how to connect with audiences

Post by rabia829 »

We live surrounded by codes and symbols that communicate . We master some systems, such as language or graphic and spatial design, perfectly. However, we have not yet mastered others, such as olfactory marketing, for example. But we are working on it. And gastronomy is one of these code systems that, when handled with knowledge of the subject, can become a powerful experiential marketing tool for a brand. That is why our topic today is once again catering for events or how to connect with audiences through gastronomy.

We never tire of repeating that there are no recipes for guaranteed success . Each case is unique and must be handled based on its instagram phone number data peculiarities and circumstances. And yet, we are going to try to offer you a list of generic tips that, as an event organizer, you should take into account when designing a unique gastronomic experience for your audience. This list is useful for both corporate events and any other type of event.


First of all, look for references both from events where the catering offered catches your attention, and from catering companies with a unique offer. The size of the event or the segment and type of supplier does not matter. Inspiration can come from any detail , no matter how insignificant it may seem at first. And from there, it is just a matter of doing a good analysis and matching the sensations you want to convey with your event and the offer you have found . But there is one more thing, not decisive, but certainly worth taking into account, which leads us to the next point…

Analyze your audience

The bad news is that we all have different tastes . The good news is that you as a catering brand that you offer at your event do not have to satisfy 100% of everyone's tastes. It is more a question of balance between the values ​​that you need to convey through flavors and an aesthetic that best matches the concept of your event and the general tastes of the public .

And by concept in this case we mean the overall effect you want to create. Modernity or tradition? Simplicity or complexity? Perhaps an international or regional touch? All these details add distinctive nuances to the final experience that can make your event even more memorable.

And if you are afraid of too much culinary experimentation, you can always introduce infallible classics of national gastronomy into your catering that have worked, work and, fortunately, will continue to work. Because we like them, period.

Choose the format well

At this point we are referring to something quite obvious, but where beginners sometimes make mistakes that are difficult to explain. It is about the catering format. Seated or standing, plate or canapé, self-service or table service…? Or maybe a food truck ? To choose the right format you always have to think about the pace of the event and the protocol that governs it. For example, thinking about catering for stands at fairs and events is not the same as thinking about catering for a brand activation.

Slower , more formal events, with a certain dress code, tend towards more leisurely and regulated formats. More dynamic events , on the other hand, allow for greater freedom . Let us not forget that our theme is “Catering for events: how to connect with audiences.” And to connect, people have to be comfortable and in harmony with the environment, in content and form .
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