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An often overlooked technical aspect of delivery

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2024 10:55 am
by Decjkf
is headless architecture. Headless architecture allows development teams to make changes to the presentation layer of a website without having to alter the back-end. It also allows marketers to create content that can be delivered to multiple sites and across different digital devices.

Modern DXPs that use a headless architecture make it easier and faster to introduce new content or launch marketing campaigns. At the same time, they also ensure that content italy number for whatsapp is consistent with the brand, wherever it is published.


While your brand should be stable and consistent, rather than agile, that’s not necessarily true for content. Content agility allows you to react quickly to market changes and position yourself as a trendsetting leader in the industry. A DXP not only makes life easier for your website editors and marketers, it also creates opportunities to strengthen your brand.

One manufacturer leveraging the power and flexibility of its DXP to amplify its brand is Essilor, the world’s largest manufacturer of ophthalmic lenses. ESSILOR wanted to use its digital transformation to communicate its brand message more clearly to the millions of people who use its products.

The company's relaunched European websites kill two birds with one stone: it informs the visitor of the type of lens most beneficial to them and includes a handy, up-to-date locator indicating the nearest optician who stocks that lens. This is a win for the end customer, who now has more information at their disposal to make a decision. But it's also a win for opticians who, thanks to ESSILOR 's new website , are attracting more customers.

Customer Experience
Jeff Bezos summed it up succinctly when he said, “Your brand is what other people say about you when you’re not in the room.” By this, he meant that your brand is not what you say it is, but how customers experience it. Accordingly, you need to think about what your customers expect to experience when they buy from you and how you can achieve that.

The main challenge for B2B sites is that there is no single customer experience. Instead, there are many different experiences. Whether it’s partners, suppliers or distributors, various stakeholders intersect with the purchasing process at different stages of the customer journey.

As a B2B company, you need to ensure brand consistency across all channels and devices, as well as for all stakeholders. You also need to make your brand relevant to each of these stakeholders. That’s where segmentation and personalization come into play. They allow you to optimize the customer experience by delivering relevant content and product recommendations to your target users in real-time.