Ironically, the fact that Big Data is so “Big” poses a great challenge: analyzing the vast amount of information and data that is received. Few organizations can encompass and delve into the entirety of the vast amount of data collected by information systems.
It is precisely at this point where a concept comes into play that is increasingly deserving of the attention of today's digital marketing community: “Little Data” , or in other turkey business email list words, small and segmented data. According to, segmented Little Data and predictive analysis will have a considerable increase in the strategic role of email marketing this 2016. The reason why Little Data is expected to become more relevant is because more and more marketers believe in more specific and segmented information as a better way to do marketing today.
survey small data
Source: Campaigner 2016 Predictions Survey

When we talk about Big Data, we are talking about the analysis of behaviour and predictive purchasing patterns on a large scale. The information we obtain is stored massively and comes from a wide range of sources. An example is the analysis of the behaviour of millions of consumers by observing their interactions on social networks. On the other hand, what do we mean by Little Data? Little Data consists of analysing smaller and more focused groups of information, in order to avoid getting lost in the immensity of information that Big Data represents. It is the use, analysis and processing of simpler data that directly affects a business since it is used daily. Little Data optimises search and analysis time. In other words, it gets to the point . An example would be the analysis of the behaviour of consumers of a certain product.
Is Little Data the new Big Data?
It doesn't have to be. The rise of this type of data does not necessarily mean that it has to replace what Big Data has been until now. However, taking into account both uses of data is important. Big Data can represent a great opportunity for those companies and businesses that have the capacity to process and analyse large amounts of information. But without a doubt, for most companies, Little Data appears to be an easier and more effective opportunity to analyse and use data.
According to EJ McGowan, CEO of Campaigner, all marketing strategies should be based not on any information, but on appropriate and relevant information for each type of audience. He also states that the industry is moving from macro-data to an increasingly segmented and metric-limited vision.
Thus, marketers hope to obtain better consumer insights and establish more effective relationships thanks to the use of Little Data and predictive analysis. According to the j2 Global study , 74% of them aspire to attract more customers and 40% to retain existing ones. Most experts in the sector support that Little Data is better for email marketing in terms of strategy and execution than Big Data.