Errors and delays take time, and that's time you could be investing in your business. Do you want to know how to save up to 40 hours when generating payrolls? We'll tell you all about it in this post.
The changes that have occurred in recent years in the labor market have affected human resources departments , which are faced with the challenge of avoiding errors and automating tasks such as labor management .
It is common for employee data to be stored in a variety of tools, making it difficult to use for payroll purposes. In addition, in many cases, the volume of information is very large and difficult to manage without making mistakes.
Traditionally, spreadsheets have been the great solution to this potential problem since millions of columns and rows of data can be created and more data. However, the existence of multiple spreadsheets in different areas of a company can increase the complexity in information management.
Problems caused by the use of spreadsheets
The use of spreadsheets seems like a solution for work management, but it poses several problems such as the following:
Lack of transparency and difficulty in access
If a spreadsheet is used for payroll management, not all telecommunications email list employees can access those spreadsheets, which means that important data will not always be available when needed.
For companies, this can be a handicap, since it is common for there to be several people in charge of managing employee data and, therefore, they will be the only ones who can access that information when necessary. This also means a lack of transparency for employees, since they do not know how their payroll is prepared.
You can save up to 24 hours a year on paying and sending payrolls if you use an automated management solution
Increased chance of making mistakes
One of the biggest problems caused by the use of spreadsheets for work management is that it increases the likelihood of errors in the organization's data, errors that can damage a company's reputation.

One of the most high-profile cases involving spreadsheet errors was that of financial services firm JP Morgan, which blundered by copying and pasting information across multiple spreadsheets when transitioning to a new security risk model, resulting in losses of up to €1.4 trillion.