What is “Green Marketing” and how to promote an eco-friendly online business?
Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2024 8:45 am
As time goes by, more and more people are concerned about caring for the environment and our planet (me first).
It is therefore no surprise that eco-friendly companies are emerging that use various practices and methods to run a “greener” business.
And with the growth and expansion of this type of companies, it is impossible for marketing professionals not to adapt as well, which results in the emergence of so-called “Green Marketing”.
This is precisely the subject of this article, where I am going to teach jordan phone number data you everything you need to know about this very peculiar marketing practice.
So let's get started!
1 · What is Green Marketing?
2 · Why does Green Marketing emerge?
3 · Benefits of Green Marketing
3.1 1. It will save you money, and a lot of it
3.2 2. It will show a better image of your company
3.3 3. You can make more money with green products
3.4 4. It gives you access to certain benefits that other companies do not have
3.5 5. You are helping the environment
3.6 6. It opens the door to new market niches
3.7 7. It is easier to innovate
4 · How to be successful with Green Marketing?
4.1 1. Give it 100%
4.2 2. Start slowly and progress little by little
4.3 3. Focus on three key aspects of Green Marketing
4.4 4. Choose your target audience well
4.5 5. Email Marketing + Green Marketing
5 Examples of companies that use Green Marketing
5.1 ⮚ LG
5.2 ⮚ Burger King
5.3 ⮚ Coca Cola
· What is Green Marketing?
Green Marketing , also known as Ecological or Environmental Marketing, is a proposal that has been around for several years as a response to growing environmental concerns and basically consists of promoting production and sales methods that are more friendly to the planet.
That's right, it's not my invention or anything like that, Green Marketing is a reality, and it is the combination of Marketing and people's desire to take care of the planet we live on with increasingly cleaner businesses and companies.
This type of marketing stands out because it focuses on the ecological aspects of a brand or product and exposes them in such a way that consumers can be informed of the importance of caring for the environment and how the company in question tries to do so, whether through its operations, products or sales methods.
In a way, you could say that Green Marketing sells based on the ecological proposals that the company makes , while promoting behavior that is beneficial to the environment.
· Why does Green Marketing emerge?
Selling ecologically? An interesting and curious idea that emerged during the 90s. As I told you, this Environmental Marketing has been with us for years, but it is becoming more and more present.
Now, unfortunately it must be said that the origin of this idea was not as “good” as it may seem.
Yes, the goal is to sell while promoting environmental protection; but in the beginning, the reason why this type of marketing emerged was precisely to take advantage of a growing trend and to sell more to an increasingly larger audience that was concerned about the state of the planet.
It is therefore no surprise that eco-friendly companies are emerging that use various practices and methods to run a “greener” business.
And with the growth and expansion of this type of companies, it is impossible for marketing professionals not to adapt as well, which results in the emergence of so-called “Green Marketing”.
This is precisely the subject of this article, where I am going to teach jordan phone number data you everything you need to know about this very peculiar marketing practice.
So let's get started!

1 · What is Green Marketing?
2 · Why does Green Marketing emerge?
3 · Benefits of Green Marketing
3.1 1. It will save you money, and a lot of it
3.2 2. It will show a better image of your company
3.3 3. You can make more money with green products
3.4 4. It gives you access to certain benefits that other companies do not have
3.5 5. You are helping the environment
3.6 6. It opens the door to new market niches
3.7 7. It is easier to innovate
4 · How to be successful with Green Marketing?
4.1 1. Give it 100%
4.2 2. Start slowly and progress little by little
4.3 3. Focus on three key aspects of Green Marketing
4.4 4. Choose your target audience well
4.5 5. Email Marketing + Green Marketing
5 Examples of companies that use Green Marketing
5.1 ⮚ LG
5.2 ⮚ Burger King
5.3 ⮚ Coca Cola
· What is Green Marketing?
Green Marketing , also known as Ecological or Environmental Marketing, is a proposal that has been around for several years as a response to growing environmental concerns and basically consists of promoting production and sales methods that are more friendly to the planet.
That's right, it's not my invention or anything like that, Green Marketing is a reality, and it is the combination of Marketing and people's desire to take care of the planet we live on with increasingly cleaner businesses and companies.
This type of marketing stands out because it focuses on the ecological aspects of a brand or product and exposes them in such a way that consumers can be informed of the importance of caring for the environment and how the company in question tries to do so, whether through its operations, products or sales methods.
In a way, you could say that Green Marketing sells based on the ecological proposals that the company makes , while promoting behavior that is beneficial to the environment.
· Why does Green Marketing emerge?
Selling ecologically? An interesting and curious idea that emerged during the 90s. As I told you, this Environmental Marketing has been with us for years, but it is becoming more and more present.
Now, unfortunately it must be said that the origin of this idea was not as “good” as it may seem.
Yes, the goal is to sell while promoting environmental protection; but in the beginning, the reason why this type of marketing emerged was precisely to take advantage of a growing trend and to sell more to an increasingly larger audience that was concerned about the state of the planet.