Only in this way will you be able to reach your potential clients and ensure that the project you have dedicated so much time to can bear fruit and generate income.
Currently, 72% of Spanish Internet users between the ages of 16 and 70 kazakhstan phone number data use the Internet as a purchasing channel, according to data from the 7th Annual eCommerce Study in Spain 2020 conducted by Elogia and AB Spain.

Even if you have created a high-quality online store and launched it at one of the most booming times in the sector, your business will not be successful if you do not follow some tips to promote your online store.
So, if you want all the time and effort you have invested in your project to translate into sales and profits, continue reading and take note of the following tricks to promote your ecommerce .
1 Steps to follow to promote your online store on the Internet
1.1 Registering the online store on Google My Business
1.2 Create a corporate blog
1.3 Getting links from other web portals
1.4 Doing guest posting
1.5 Send a press release
1.6 Posting on Facebook
1.7 Launching a Giveaway
1.8 Get subscribers
1.9 Offer a welcome discount
1.10 Bet on advertising on Instagram
2 Conclusions
Steps to follow to promote your online store on the Internet
Publishing articles on other websites and registering your e-commerce site on Google My Business are just some of the tips you can take into account if you are planning to promote your online store.
Registering your online store on Google My Business
Google My Business can be defined as a free tool developed with the aim of helping companies manage and improve their online presence.
To achieve this, Google My Business gives entrepreneurs or business owners the opportunity to publish information about their business on the Internet and include contact information, opening hours, and customer reviews.
This increases the visibility of the project on the Internet and Internet users can find the e-commerce site more easily when they perform an online search.
Google My Business is a free tool and all you need to use it is a Google account.
Create a corporate blog
Create a corporate blog
Starting a blog can also be of great help if promoting your online store has become your main goal.
This way, you can provide valuable information to Internet users, gain subscribers and become an expert and reference in your sector.
Let's imagine that you have set up an e-commerce business selling organic cosmetics. In this case, you could create a blog where you would publish articles on tips for getting the most out of the products, benefits of natural cosmetics, ways to take care of your skin, homemade tricks for your hair, etc.
This type of text will help you increase traffic to your digital platform , improve your brand image and enhance your credibility by offering readers complete, rich and quality information.
When choosing topics for your blog posts, remember the importance of SEO and choose keywords that have a good search volume and low competition.
To find out which keywords are most appropriate for your business without spending a cent, you can use Google's keyword planner.