The good news… let’s rest easy because this is not the first time something like this has happened to humanity. It’s just new to us. It already happened in the Stone Age, or austria email list 860976 contact leads with the appearance of fire, the Iron Age, the printing press, the industrial revolution…
In a way, we can consider ourselves lucky. Not all generations have the opportunity to witness such a large-scale model change , with a new way of dealing with everyday life, human relationships or work. It is a full-blown restart that requires a profound change of mindset . The digital age has arrived .
And the million-dollar questions : Are we prepared to make the new artificial intelligence less and less artificial and more intelligent? Are we prepared to live under a process of continuous and exponential change?
The future is built by people
There was a time, not so long ago, when having products or services with a differentiated competitive advantage, communicating it appropriately to target audiences, and investing in it, was enough to sell, to remain in a market.
Today, in an interconnected world, living under criteria of infinite innovation , where proposals have lost value due to the difficulty of sustaining differences over time, there is a unique place where we can continue innovating ... that place IS YOU!
The new digital era is a cocktail that mixes hypermobility , the gift of ubiquity, the increase in supply, disintermediation, artificial intelligence, robotics, the Internet of Things, computational self-learning, big data ... and a long list of technological innovations.
The way we work and interact will no longer be the same . The skills we will need to manage and lead teams and processes in organizations will be dramatically different.

The future will not happen without us; the future is being built by us and for us: THE PEOPLE.
In this revolutionary state, the only certainty we have is that there are no certainties. Uncertainty is normal, like life itself… and change is our inseparable travelling companion. Anyone who expects the ground to remain unmovable beneath their feet every day is going to be in for more than one disappointment.
It is not a question of being alarmist, either. Because, although it is inevitable that we will get bumps in the neck on this new and volatile planet, the Revolution 4.0 also opens up a beautiful panorama full of opportunities before us . Taking advantage of them, however, requires a complete reset of mentality.
The adaptive beast that every leader carries within
The old ape, called sapiens , rigid and supported by the solid foundations of custom, dogma and technical knowledge, is doomed to extinction in this new ecosystem , characterized by inconsistency and an exponential acceleration of change .
Instead, a new monkey emerges , BETA agile , who is able to shed all his prejudices and learned ideas to embrace iterative evolution to its ultimate consequences, to live his life under the paradigm of continuous and agile learning .