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Once the pandemic got into full swing

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2024 10:29 am
by aminulislam56
freelance businesses worldwide were forced to make a decision: Either special database pivot and double down on finding new clients and building your brand or risk losing their business.

Working remotely as a freelance business presents a range of challenges, not capturing leads. Instead of relying on someone else to generate leads for you, you must do it yourself. And unless you take care of this aspect of your business, your whole business could sink. Without a solid client base, you’ll be spending too much time constantly trying to source new ones.

To succeed at remote lead capturing, you need to place a strategy. In this article, we’ll be taking a look at how to do just that.

Create Value
A person with long hair sits at a wooden table on the beach, working on a laptop with a coconut nearby.

Before going for the sale, your small business should first look to offer value. This means giving your prospective clients something that makes them feel as though you’re already helping solve their problems before they purchase your services. Essentially, you’re creating a sense of positivity and goodwill around your brand, which is decisive for building those early relationships.Image

How do you create value?

You could launch a content marketing campaign in the form of a blog that positions you as the expert in your niche. Via content, you can share solutions and ideas, answer popular questions that people typically have about your place and business, and ultimately educate your audience.

To create value via a content marketing campaign, you must define your audience and goals. Ask yourself who your prospective audience is and what they desire the most right now. What questions do they need to be answered? What problems do they need solving? What can they perhaps do themselves without your assistance right now?

There are a few tools to help in this regard. You can use some online tools to understand more about the types of questions people ask in your niche, which you can then base content around.

Source: AnswerThePublic
Source: AnswerThePublic
Another helpful tool is BuzzSumo, which shows you the type of content your competitors are already producing. Then, you can simply reverse engineer what they’re doing and make your content even better. To do this, you can use the skyscraper technique, which is when you look for weaknesses in a competitor’s content (such as missing data, a lack of case studies, etc.) and add them to yours.

That all said, creating value isn’t just about solving problems and answering questions. It’s also about telling your stories and sharing your experiences as a small freelancing business. Who are you, and what do you do? Why should people care about you? What brought you to this current situation? What did you do previously?

Telling stories is a powerful way of making an early connection with prospects because accounts allow us to teach and inspire. It also allows us to unite ourselves with others, show them what we have in common, and create powerful emotional bonds. Plus, telling stories reveals your human side, which is essential for establishing early connections.