Then you broaden or diverge: you come up with lots of ideas.
Then you narrow it down until you finally arrive at the ideas that you realize.
Do this together with your employees and spend some money on a good, independent facilitator.
The working environment
How can you permanently put innovation on your work agenda? Make creativity important! Support ideas and make time for them. Challenge employees, that increases involvement. Give them confidence but also space for debate. Last but not least , let them take risks. And of course all of that can also be done at home. Or if someone can't handle that, at another 'work' place.
Self-managing teams or an ad-hoc team. Dare to reorganize your organization.
The book is full of tips for thinking differently and creatively and ditching old habits and patterns. Think of abolishing time clocks (yes, they still exist), abolishing appraisal interviews (hallelujah), more israel telegram data focus through shorter working hours and the list gets longer, or rather the wheel. And, that wheel must keep turning, writes de Boe.
Change happens through people and people don’t like to be changed. They do change when they benefit from the transformation. – concludes de Boe.
After reading the book, or actually while reading it, you are eager to get started with his insights. It is not rocket science but it is future-proof. And that future has already begun. I am ready for that ultimate work experience.

“We are constantly busy fighting problems rather than developing opportunities.” Expert in transformation processes Jan Bommerez still sees a lot of fear in this day and age, and would rather see us focus on opportunities. These lie in creativity and not so much in experience. “In fact, with experience you remain too much in the old way of thinking.”
Jan Bommerez is an author, speaker and workshop leader in the field of transformation, flow and letting go. He is Flemish by birth, has been living in California (USA) for 21 years and is a specialist in breakthrough and transformation processes.