3. Wait to use LinkedIn Audience Network

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3. Wait to use LinkedIn Audience Network

Post by emailnumberlist554 »

“LinkedIn charges differently based on the objective you choose,” AJ explains, and certain objectives can drive up your costs.

2. Don't default to LinkedIn Audience Expansion

LinkedIn’s Audience Expansion tool uses AI and demographic iraq database telegram targeting to broaden the audience who sees your ads. It sounds good in theory, but AJ cautions against it.

"You're already paying a premium to advertise on LinkedIn to reach the exact audience you want, and you don't need LinkedIn to throw additional audience members in there that you haven't specified,: he says.

LinkedIn Audience Network (LAN) allows your ads to appear on third-party sites and apps, but it might be wise to avoid this option initially.

"Don’t use LinkedIn Audience Network when you first start," AJ says “The traffic is cheaper, but it also tends to be much lower in quality. So most advertisers will want to just shut it off and test into it later.”


4. Set location targeting to "Permanent"

By default, LinkedIn’s location targeting is set to "Recent or permanent," which includes users who have recently visited the targeted area.

AJ recommends changing this to "Permanent" to ensure you’re reaching people who actually live in the specified area. That's much more reliable audience targeting.

5. Choose the right CTA

Your call to action (CTA) should align with where users are in the buying journey. Cold audiences won’t respond to a "purchase now" button — they’re more likely to click to learn more or access a lead magnet.

"Cold audiences are not ready to talk to your sales department," AJ says. His advice is to use retargeting to convert them later, but start by showing them content that piques their interest.

6. Don’t rely too heavily on AI

LinkedIn now offers AI tools like the Accelerate feature, which promises to create your entire campaign based on a single URL. This option, if available, shows up after you select an objective.
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