On the practical side, make sure you get all the legal and financial ducks in a row. Set up a business bank account, familiarize yourself with taxes and filing requirements, and consider hiring an accountant and lawyer to help you navigate the paperwork.
At this stage, you can also start planning what tools, processes, and japan whatsapp number list girl workflows you’re going to use to make your business run smoothly. For example, consider how you’ll manage clients from start to finish. This looks like developing proposal templates, contract templates, on-boarding workflows, and invoicing terms.
You should also consider what tools you’ll need, as this is a critical piece of your overhead, or cost of doing business. Will you need to collaborate with your clients on calendars and content strategies in a social media management software? Will you need content creation tools, like a design or video editing software? Will you need bookkeeping software to keep your financials in check?
Be realistic about what you can afford at an early stage — when you're just starting out it won't hurt you to forego software and take care of certain processes manually.
When setting your pricing and packaging for your consulting services, there are a few key factors to consider. First, you'll need to account for your overhead costs and the time required to deliver your services. This will help you determine a baseline hourly or project-based rate that covers your expenses and provides a reasonable profit margin.
Additionally, your level of expertise and the value you provide to clients should be reflected in your pricing. More specialized or senior-level consultants can typically charge higher rates than those just starting out.
Hourly/daily rate: Charge an hourly or daily fee for services like mentoring, consulting, or training. This works well if the client has more general needs or they’re not sure what they need.
Project-based rate: Use a fixed, project-based rate for bespoke services with a defined deliverable, like strategy development or an audit.
4. Price and package your services
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