The user returns the next day to try his luck again

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The user returns the next day to try his luck again

Post by Rajulk985 »

Leevia Calendar - how it works. Step 2: The user immediately finds out if he has won the prize of the day
2. By clicking on the box, the user will immediately discover the outcome of the participation

The user clicks on the box of the day and immediately discovers if he has won the prize. The boxes can be graphically customized. For example, it is possible to choose a different image for each day that will make up your calendar.

Leevia Calendar - How it works. Step 3: The user returns the next day to try his luck again

After the first participation, the user can scroll down to discover country email list the prizes of the previous days. In this way, their interest will be stimulated, encouraging them to participate also in the following days, until the end of the calendar.

Leevia Calendar Features
Leevia Calendar is based on certified software that allows prizes to be assigned in a completely random way through an algorithm. This means that the system will assign the winnings randomly, immediately, during the entire competition period and will do so in full compliance with Italian law because it is a properly analyzed software, with certified technical expertise that attests to its regularity and non-tamperability .

But that's not all. Among the highlighted features of Calendar we also find a management dashboard from which it is possible to independently create and customize the contest landing page, starting from pre-set templates or from scratch, but also customize the email messages related to the online contest. Furthermore, at the end of the prize contest it is possible to export all the contacts collected in CSV format and imp
ort them into your company CRM to subsequently activate a lead nurturing strategy in order to transform the leads into real customers.


Not just an advent calendar…
Leevia Calendar allows you to create real calendars of prizes to involve your fan base on a recurring basis. It can be the ideal strategy for lead nurturing during the holiday season , with the creation of a personalized advent calendar that can accompany your users until Christmas day.

But the new Leevia Calendar is very versatile : it can be used for all occasions, such as company birthday celebrations or to experience a special countdown with your customers, perhaps linked to the launch of a new product or service. Another idea could be to take advantage of Black Friday , increasingly popular in Italy too, and launch a customized calendar with a week of prizes up for grabs, perhaps discount coupons to spend on company products and/or services. In short, the possibilities are truly endless also because it is a totally customizable product .

The Benefits of Leevia Calendar for Your Marketing Strategy
Leevia's Calendar, precisely because of its versatility, allows you to boost your digital marketing strategy. In general, it is ideal for achieving some very important objectives such as lead generation and lead nurturing , but also for improving brand engagement , loyalty and data collection .

In particular, by offering prizes every day, even if they are simple gadgets or discount coupons, the involvement towards the company increases, as well as the loyalty to the brand. Furthermore, precisely because it is necessary for the user to register at his first participation, through e-mail or social login, the company will be able to generate leads by collecting qualified contacts and consequently improve the lead nurturing strategy linked to it.
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