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Generate customers every day

Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 6:21 am
by ahbappy250
The dream of all those who have a business is to expand their customer base daily . We all agree, right?

In the past, this was done, basically, through word of mouth. Over time, advertising has had the task of encouraging people to prefer one brand over another. Today, however, most of the solutions that were once successful have lost much of their effectiveness.

For example, having a “ showcase ” website is NO LONGER enough to generate customers.

What entrepreneurs and professionals need db telegram today is an automated sales funnel , that is, a sequence of pages capable of guiding each potential customer through your sales process, as if there was a trusted person right there at their side.

What tool can you use to automate new customer generation?

ClickFunnels is a tool that will guide people through your sales process, showing them the best product or service to solve a problem.

Through the detailed dashboard you will have a series of data available that will help you improve the effectiveness of conversions, in addition to the possibility of setting up A/B tests or connecting intelligent automatic sequences.


Fatture in Cloud is an excellent ally to simplify the sending and receiving of invoices. In addition, you will have a database that you can access quickly, WITHOUT having to manually catalog the invoices by year, month, day and find them using the search bar in no time.

This service, like many automations, does NOT exclude human work but integrates with it, making it faster and more effective.

Another interesting aspect of this type of tools is the automatic generation of recurring invoices, the possibility of setting reminder emails for overdue invoices or offering customers online payment.
In short, a complete and automatic tool to bring your business into the new millennium.