The condition is: having the ability to make real connections with target groups.
Increasing recognition & creating real connections
Ultimately, for every brand (that wants and needs to survive) it is all about effectively responding to the question:
How do you make real (emotional) connections with the target group, so that
a. your brand does not go unnoticed, and
Naturally, you want to safeguard the above on a constant basis in your online and offline communication & marketing strategy. You want to make real connections with your target group anytime and anywhere and thus realize strong, distinctive brand communication.
Think outside-in & inside-out: 3 building blocks
You want to have the following three building blocks in order, so that you can also use them in synergy with each other:
Actionable buyer persona(s)
Brand personality
Additional ingredient: fire archetype(s)
Outside-in: actionable buyer personas
Every marketing professional knows the importance of taiwan telegram data documented, in-depth target audience information. With the help of a detailed actionable buyer persona, you know what the emotional and behavioral triggers and habits of your customers and prospects are within a prioritized market segment.
Ideally, you shape actionable buyer personas based on (periodic) quantitative and qualitative research.

Use data and other sources to get a good picture of what is going on in your (ideal) market). Map out what the relevant and urgent needs, motivations (their why), challenges, fears and proven effective triggers are within your target group(s).
Pay close attention to features & variables that provide concrete hooks for targeted communication and give you the opportunity to apply personalization more often and better.
This should give you a sharp and comprehensive picture of the personality of that target group. You can develop multiple buyer personas and use them in your marketing strategy.