Start by creating a vision of the digital workplace and setting clearly defined goals . Consult all necessary parties such as IT, sales, marketing, finance, legal and HR to jointly set achievable goals. Some questions you can ask each other are:
What are the key organizational drivers?
What obstacles prevent an effective digital workplace?
How do we measure success?
What is the total cost of ownership ?
Who will monitor and maintain the platform?
Step 2. Emphasize employee experience
In a fully digital workplace, the employee experience is central. Therefore, it is crucial to consider the following questions:
How do employees perform their work?
What are the biggest frustrations of employees in their daily work?
What does corporate culture need to increase employee satisfaction?
Of course, these questions remain relevant, even after the digital workplace has been realised.
Step 3. Select the right tools
Based on the outcomes of the above steps, you can select and implement the tools that will help you realize your strategy and meet your employees’ needs. Make sure that the solutions you add are not only flexible, but also integrate and connect with other technologies that you may add to your digital workplace in the future. So don’t change turkey telegram data your strategy to make your technology work. Make sure that the technology aligns with your vision.
Step 4. Monitoring
This step always remains current. Make sure you monitor how employees experience the digital workplace. Are there any adjustments needed in the strategy or technology? Employee expectations and trends in the labor market will change. This may require a reconsideration of the strategy or the addition or removal of tools. So always stay alert to this.

Digital workplace: crucial connector
No one can say now what organizations will look like in 10 or even 5 years. And a digital workplace is of course only one part of the digital transformation of organizations. But it is a crucial connector of functionalities, processes and corporate culture to an integral digital work environment for employees.
If organizations want to remain successful in the future, it is important to focus on employee experience now. A digital workplace gives you the tools to make a difference for your organization.