Our brand awareness is too low
Posted: Tue Dec 17, 2024 6:44 am
How do you approach this?
Block time in your agenda to create space. Preferably at the beginning of the day, that's when you are fittest.
Work from home or plan a 'holiday session' (max. half a day) with colleagues and prepare a clear agenda.
Analyze thoroughly and write concisely. Be critical and limit yourself to the essence in your conclusions. Writing with bullet points helps to express the essence of your analyses concisely and powerfully.
Pay attention to describing who your customer is, what his/her needs are and what the customer journey is.
2. Focus and dare to make choices
The hardest part of a marketing plan is often drawing conclusions from all those analyses you did in step one. Insights that really matter and that you as a company really have to take into account.
The SWOT and confrontation matrices are well-known and good tools to use for this. A more pragmatic way is to write down the six most important conclusions and insights for yourself in order of importance.
This will give you a clear picture of your biggest challenges, which will create focus. Examples of (online) marketing challenges or problems are:
We need to attract more relevant traffic to the site to make more sales or generate more leads
Our website converts poorly
We need a broader or more extensive range to remain competitive
Many companies have multiple challenges. Dare to focus. If you tackle everything at once, it will end in nothing.focus marketing plan
Also read: Getting started with online marketing is uae telegram data not an internship assignment
Okay, now you have a clear picture of what your challenge or problem is. The next step is to name what goal you have in mind, or when you are 'satisfied'. This also gives quantitative focus. A few examples of this are:
Generate 20% more leads via the website in 2021
Increasing brand awareness from 20% to 30% in 2020
Increase webshop turnover by 20% to 1 million euros in 2020
How do you approach this?
Spend half a day drawing up the SWOT or top six insights based on the analyses you have carried out.
It works well to have each team member fill in the SWOT or top six based on the analyses (let everyone read it beforehand). This creates a discussion to arrive at a top six, so that everyone is on the same page.
You can do the same with determining the objectives. This creates support and prevents it from remaining 'a marketing thing'.
3. Pragmatic step-by-step plan for a marketing annual plan
The third part of the marketing plan consists of what most marketers find most fun and easiest: describing what you are going to do next year, what it will cost, and how you are going to evaluate the activities.
Block time in your agenda to create space. Preferably at the beginning of the day, that's when you are fittest.
Work from home or plan a 'holiday session' (max. half a day) with colleagues and prepare a clear agenda.
Analyze thoroughly and write concisely. Be critical and limit yourself to the essence in your conclusions. Writing with bullet points helps to express the essence of your analyses concisely and powerfully.
Pay attention to describing who your customer is, what his/her needs are and what the customer journey is.
2. Focus and dare to make choices
The hardest part of a marketing plan is often drawing conclusions from all those analyses you did in step one. Insights that really matter and that you as a company really have to take into account.
The SWOT and confrontation matrices are well-known and good tools to use for this. A more pragmatic way is to write down the six most important conclusions and insights for yourself in order of importance.
This will give you a clear picture of your biggest challenges, which will create focus. Examples of (online) marketing challenges or problems are:
We need to attract more relevant traffic to the site to make more sales or generate more leads
Our website converts poorly
We need a broader or more extensive range to remain competitive
Many companies have multiple challenges. Dare to focus. If you tackle everything at once, it will end in nothing.focus marketing plan
Also read: Getting started with online marketing is uae telegram data not an internship assignment
Okay, now you have a clear picture of what your challenge or problem is. The next step is to name what goal you have in mind, or when you are 'satisfied'. This also gives quantitative focus. A few examples of this are:
Generate 20% more leads via the website in 2021
Increasing brand awareness from 20% to 30% in 2020
Increase webshop turnover by 20% to 1 million euros in 2020
How do you approach this?
Spend half a day drawing up the SWOT or top six insights based on the analyses you have carried out.
It works well to have each team member fill in the SWOT or top six based on the analyses (let everyone read it beforehand). This creates a discussion to arrive at a top six, so that everyone is on the same page.
You can do the same with determining the objectives. This creates support and prevents it from remaining 'a marketing thing'.
3. Pragmatic step-by-step plan for a marketing annual plan
The third part of the marketing plan consists of what most marketers find most fun and easiest: describing what you are going to do next year, what it will cost, and how you are going to evaluate the activities.