nother way to earn money by entering data

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nother way to earn money by entering data

Post by mmehedi*# »

Micro Tasking (Micro Taking App)

Aon mobile is by doing micro-tasking. Such tasks can usually be done through various mobile apps or online websites. Small data entry tasks can be done on various platforms like Amazon Mechanical Turk, ClickWorkers etc. However, since these platforms offer various other tasks besides data entry, they can also be called multi-tasking tasks. For such country wise email marketing database small tasks, online payment is made from the company and for each task, from $0.5 to $5 is given. These tasks can be done very easily through mobile.

Transcription Service


Currently, a popular and in-demand way of data entry is transcription. If you have good data entry and typing skills, you can easily do transcription work on your mobile. In such work, a specific audio file is usually converted into writing. You have to type the data given in the audio file or make a copy of the similar data. Since data entry is very easy, such tasks can be done through various apps or websites on your mobile and you can earn a lot of money.
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