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Mobile e-mail marketing: how to create a strategy?

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2024 10:46 am
by nurnobi75
Consumer behavior has been changing rapidly, following new technologies and the conveniences they offer. Smartphones have become a fundamental element for planning a digital strategy, and mobile email marketing has stood out in this scenario.

According to a recent survey by DMA UK, in 2015, 50% of email marketing messages were opened on mobile devices. According to Hubspot , between 2011 and 2014 there was a 309% increase in the use of smartphones to open emails. And the trend is that growth will continue.

Nowadays, most email marketing tools allow you to identify which devices are opening emails. This metric helps you identify customer behavior and direct your efforts to meet these demands more efficiently.

Ideally, your email marketing strategy should be geared towards the characteristics of your business' target audience. However, some tips can help you develop a more complete and efficient solution.

Mobile e-mail marketing: how to do it?
Technical care for mobile e-mail marketing
Choosing the email design
Attractive and appropriately sized CTA
Choosing the subject and preheader
The importance of the sender
Mobile-friendly landing pages
Mobile e-mail marketing: how to do it?
A trend in many digital marketing strategies today is mobile first , that is, instead of desktop content being “suitable” for mobile, it is planned from the beginning for access via mobile devices.

At the beginning of a mobile email marketing strategy, however, it is common for professionals in the area to not have mastery over the specifications of campaigns developed for mobile.

Several studies and know- how from some companies in the area have allowed us to identify trends and ways to make campaigns more efficient for mobile . We have compiled some of this information below!

Technical care for mobile e-mail marketing
The first technical specifications involved in creating email marketing concern text and images.

Due to the rapid reading on mobile devices, and the uk business fax list time the user spends understanding the message, the text in the email should only say what is essential; be clear and direct, with short content.

Font size is also essential, with a minimum of 22px recommended for highlighted text and at least 14px for the body of the message.


Many users use image blocking on their smartphones: this means that the email strategy should already include this possibility.

Use alt text to briefly describe the message in the image. In addition to providing context to the consumer, this option makes the email more accessible to the visually impaired, for example.

Choosing the email design
The email marketing layout can use a generic template or be developed internally, increasing personalization.

However, regardless of the origin, the design should follow the single-column indication. This option provides more readability to the content, making it easier to read and also making the layout more attractive .

Email marketing that uses multiple columns can prevent the user from seeing the details of the call and excessively reduces the font size, making it difficult to understand the content. Breaks should be programmed so that each topic appears in a column, with one below the other.

Attractive and appropriately sized CTA
According to a study conducted by MIT, the average size of an adult's index finger is between 1.6 and 2 centimeters. Thinking about a screen, this size represents something between 45 x 45 pixels and 57 x 57px on a mobile device.

Therefore, the minimum size of a call to action in a mobile email marketing campaign should be 44 x 44 pixels — remembering to leave 10px of space around the CTA, to make it easier to click.

In addition to size, the CTA must have a design that makes it stand out from the background of the email and, preferably, indicate the action taken, such as “Buy Now”, “Read More”, “Get in Touch”, etc.

Choosing the subject and preheader
When creating a mobile-friendly email marketing strategy, it is essential that the subject line is appropriate for the device. While a desktop may require up to 80 characters for a subject line, smartphones display an average of 30 characters. The recommended subject line is five or six words.

Therefore, this part of the email should be concise, but capable of introducing the content of the message. Some strategies that can be used are:

personalization (such as using the username);
use of special symbols in the subject;
an intriguing call, related to the content of the message.
In addition to the email subject line , the preheader is also an important opportunity to capture the user's attention. Ignored by many professionals, it consists of the first line of the email marketing and appears to the user before opening the email.

The number of characters displayed in the preheader varies depending on the device used, and can range from 40 to 90 characters, but follows an average of 50.

This additional text must have an impactful and convincing message that helps the user identify the subject of the email.

The importance of the sender
Companies in different segments treat the sender of their marketing emails differently. While some choose to keep the name of the organization, others develop strategies that include using the name of the professional who is making the contact. It is also possible to combine these two elements.

There is no pre-defined rule on this topic, and it is possible to be successful with both options. The best option is to use A/B tests to identify which of the alternatives has the greatest acceptance among the company's audience.

The sender has a prominent space in most email applications, displayed in a larger, bold font, which requires a clear name that allows the user to quickly identify the origin of the email.

The number of characters displayed in the sender can vary between 23 and 32, depending on the device used.

Mobile-friendly landing pages
Finally, a mobile email marketing strategy can only be considered complete and efficient if it takes into account the pages to which users will be directed.

There is no point in developing a user-friendly email solution but having a website or landing pages that users cannot navigate intuitively using their smartphone, tablet or other device.

It is essential that the entire user experience, starting with email marketing, is compatible with the device they choose to use, without compromising information, quality or comfort.

Mobile e-mail marketing is the trend for institutions that want to remain relevant to their audience, improving the purchasing experience and information search.