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E-mail Referral Campaign: creating campaigns that convert!

Posted: Tue Dec 03, 2024 10:48 am
by nurnobi75
Marketing efforts are constant to add value to companies. Through social media, specific actions and email marketing , it is possible to attract and engage the target audience. What is sought, most of the time, is conversion and an increase in Return on Investment (ROI).

In this scenario, something that can be complementary is the use of E-mail Referral Campaign, creating campaigns that convert!

What is an Email Referral Campaign?
What are the benefits of investing in this strategy?
How to create an Email Referral Campaign?
1. Locate your promoters
2. Examine past purchases and customer activity
3. Personalize
What is an Email Referral Campaign?
Are you familiar with word-of-mouth marketing? As mentioned above, there are many ways to promote your business, product or service. However, what we often see is germany business fax list how much people are searching for information about a particular brand, that is, they are influenced by comments from other satisfied or dissatisfied customers.


The E-mail Referral Campaign is nothing more than an e-mail marketing campaign that seeks to induce the user/customer to recommend the product or brand to another person — as if it were virtual word of mouth.

This way, the customer can refer the company to friends and family, whether by sharing their latest purchase, receiving a discount if they refer a friend or even winning gifts when providing a new contact.

What are the benefits of investing in this strategy?
There are many benefits to investing in an Email Referral Campaign, and one of them is segmentation . As you research your customers' history and behavior, you can increasingly segment the subject of your email, personalizing it and giving more credibility to the relationship between the customer and the company.

Furthermore, email is a type of tool that can be automated, bringing greater agility to the day-to-day running of the business.

How to create an Email Referral Campaign?
To be able to create an email Referral Campaign, follow our tips below!

1. Locate your promoters
Before you start sending emails asking for a referral to every customer on your list, it's crucial to target customers who are genuinely interested in your service.

The best way to find out who your loyal customers are is through your Net Promoter Score (NPS). To find out your company’s NPS, send your customers a survey asking the following question: “How likely are you to recommend our company to a friend or colleague?” The answers are based on a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being the least likely to recommend and 10 being the most likely.

Feedback can be categorized as follows:

Someone who chooses 0-6 on the scale is labeled a “detractor”;
People who chose 7-8 are “passive”;
“Promoters” are those who answered 9 or 10. These are the customers you want to send your referral email campaign to for best results.

2. Examine past purchases and customer activity
You can also observe customer behavior to understand someone’s affinity for your company. For example, loyal customers who have been with you for years would be good referrals. Positive interaction on social media can be a sign of loyalty as well.

In these cases, it is worth using the CRM tool to organize the customer database, in order to discover and track the history, compliments and even who was referred through each lead.

3. Personalize
You also can’t forget to personalize your email marketing campaigns. After all, not all customers will act in the same way. So, use different calls-to-action and make the email simple and clear.

Review the profile of each loyal customer and personalize the language and promotion of products and services. Send freebies, ask them to share to get a discount and promote engagement .