How to optimize a fashion e-commerce in 10 steps

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How to optimize a fashion e-commerce in 10 steps

Post by chandon4 »

In a sector as competitive as fashion, it is very important to optimize the online channel in order to occupy the best positions in the organic results of search engines such as Google. Although the goal is not only to be in a higher position than the competition, but also to gain qualified clicks. But how to do it? Below, we reveal the 10 most important steps for optimizing a fashion e-commerce.

Ten steps to optimize your fashion ecommerce

1. E-commerce structure approach
Correct planning of the web structure of a fashion e-commerce site is very important due to the large number of products sold. For this reason, it is necessary to establish the relevant sections and bulk sms russia classifications to ensure good usability of the page. It is preferable not to use more than three levels of depth on each page.

2. Choosing the right keywords for e-commerce optimization.
Keywords must be perfectly structured to avoid cannibalization between them. This occurs when several pages on the same website compete for the same keywords.

To optimize a fashion e-commerce, it is essential to properly plan the keywords in the product categories and in the items offered, because many share similar characteristics.

In this sector, it is advisable to focus on long-tail keywords , that is, the most specific terms. Although individually these words generate little traffic, in a sector as competitive as fashion, the most detailed keywords will be the greatest source of qualified traffic to e-commerce.


3. Design optimized on-page URLs.
Each URL should contain the keyword you want to rank for and have a consistent semantic slug for the user. It is preferable that it is not too long so that it is easier to share and remember. In addition, special characters, unnecessary prepositions and replacing spaces with dashes should be avoided.Example of an optimized URL

4. Development of SEO-Copywriting focused on site optimization.
Meta title: Title of the snippet that appears in the search results and should have a maximum length of 60-70 characters. It contains the keyword, preferably a long-tail keyword, at the beginning of the title; this contributes to better optimization. It is also advisable to include the brand to increase user confidence, on the right side and separated by a hyphen or dash so as not to affect the relevance of the keyword.
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