In today's highly competitive job market, lying on your CV (exaggerating your computer and language skills, including unfinished courses or extending your time in previous positions) can be a temptation for many unemployed people. But you have to bear in mind that the goal should not be to find a job, but to keep it. It is useless to be hired if once you start the job you cannot prove that training or experience: you could be doomed to a fair dismissal and lose any other opportunity in that company.
Remember that soft skills (values, attitudes and non-technical ivory coast phone number data competencies such as honesty, trust or integrity) are increasingly valued by companies, which are not only looking for professionals capable of carrying out a task, but also good people in whom they can place their trust.
You can try writing a CV with artificial intelligence for free , but don't include false information!

Consequences of making a fake resume
You could lose your job. Imagine that one of the skills you have listed on your CV is Excel proficiency, but in reality you have never worked with that tool, and when they give you your first task you are not able to carry it out or it takes you much longer than expected. If the company discovers that you really do not have the proficiency you claimed to have, they could terminate your services through disciplinary dismissal. This would be appropriate because you would have violated the good faith of the contract.
You are damaging your personal brand . Every work experience is a golden opportunity to meet new people and expand your network of professional contacts. If tomorrow you move to another company and your superiors from previous jobs are asked for recommendations, they will surely be negative if you have not been honest in the selection process. Therefore, lying on your CV not only harms you in the company you enter, but also closes the doors to future professional opportunities.