5 engagement metrics to track and sell more

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5 engagement metrics to track and sell more

Post by nurnobi75 »

We live in a time when consumers have a huge volume of information and brands at their disposal. To give you an idea, a survey by the Brazilian Association of Electronic Commerce (Abcomm) showed that, between March and May 2020, 107 thousand new types of e-commerce were opened , including food and beverages, clothing and footwear, and cleaning products.

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>> 5 e-commerce trends for 2021
>> 4 tips to increase click-through and conversion rates in email marketing

In other words, in this ocean of data, engagement is the key to capturing the public's attention and, therefore, selling more. But how do you engage the right customers and not work in the dark? The answer lies in analyzing certain engagement metrics .

Evaluating certain metrics helps you determine the best direction to take, whether for a specific campaign or for your website’s performance as a whole. This analysis shows, for example, whether your actions are yielding positive results or whether adjustments need to be made. Only then will you be able to focus on achieving superior performance.

With that in mind, we’ve put together the 5 main engagement metrics you should track to boost the success of your e-commerce business . Check them out below:

1. Bounce rate
2. Brand mentions
3. Sharing rate
4. Average visit time
5. Collaborative content
1. Bounce rate
The main goal of anyone working on a website is to ensure that the audience accesses as much content as possible on each visit. In this sense, the bounce rate is one of the india business fax list most important engagement metrics to know, since it allows you to discover the number of users who visited just one page and then left.

It is possible that this user found what he was looking for easily – which is a positive point. The problem is that he did not feel encouraged to visit other sections. Therefore, your mission should be to make efforts so that people find reasons to visit more pages.


Here are some practical tips to reduce your website's bounce rate:

Build internal linking:
Include links between related content within your website to encourage user navigation.
Keep content up to date:
This doesn't just apply to texts. Always update product prices, promotion discounts and campaign validity so that customers never have the unpleasant surprise of finding incorrect information.
Improve website readability and design:
Work with short texts, large titles, and bright colors to help users find what they are looking for easily.
Spread out the call to action (CTA) buttons:
If you want customers to engage with a campaign or buy a product on sale, there’s no point in placing the CTA button hidden in a corner of the website. Look for strategic locations to make it easier for users to access it – just be careful not to overdo it and make it difficult for them to navigate.
2. Brand mentions
Another important engagement metric to evaluate is mentions of your brand. After all, by counting these mentions, it is possible to monitor the public's memory of your brand and, therefore, know how to act to always stand out from the competition.

Nowadays, we have several ways to monitor mentions of your company's name in the digital environment, especially due to the power of social networks. Using their search system or tools like Scup or OpSocial , you can find out how and when users mentioned certain terms related to your products or services.

3. Sharing rate
People are almost constantly connected to social media, frequently sharing information through it. The Digital 2020: Global Digital Overview report , produced by DataReport in partnership with Hootsuite and We Are Social, indicates that the number of social media users has already reached 3.8 billion, that is, almost half of the world's population.

With such a large volume of data being exchanged constantly through these channels, the sharing rate also becomes an important engagement metric to monitor. Therefore, if the pages on your website or app have the ability to share information with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, for example, you need to monitor these numbers. This way, you can know if your content is interesting, making users publish it on their own profile and, therefore, generating brand awareness.

4. Average visit time
The more valuable content your website presents, the longer your audience will spend on your pages. One of the most valuable engagement metrics , average page view time shows whether you are successfully retaining your audience.

If the material published is genuinely interesting, people will want to read and interact with it. This will increase the number of visitors per visit. What’s more, it will encourage users to visit other pages on the site, such as browsing through products.

5. Collaborative content
Nowadays, consumers themselves are the ones who determine the purchasing journey, not companies. With an infinite number of options to choose from, they are the ones who decide the direction of trends and how, where and what they want to buy.

Therefore, another important engagement metric for you to monitor is how much users are generating spontaneous content for your company, whether in the form of posts on social media , reviews left on your website or responses to a marketing email , for example.

To always work in line with your goals, you need to get into the habit of monitoring your engagement metrics regularly. If you notice any drops in important numbers, make sure you make adjustments to reverse the situation as soon as possible. Otherwise, when you notice positive numbers, intensify your actions to obtain even better results and boost your sales.

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