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Learnability, a key competence for employment. How to develop it?

Posted: Wed Dec 18, 2024 6:48 am
by sakib36
Did you know that learnability is a key competency for 21st century employment? The Adecco Foundation has developed the 2020 Decade Guide: 20 competencies against labour exclusion , which includes learnability as one of the attributes most in demand by companies. We tell you why and how to develop it.

Learning ability is the ability of professionals to learn new jordan phone number data knowledge, the ability to constantly progress by listening and interacting with others. In today's job market, the most highly valued professionals are those who show a desire to always continue learning, to continue progressing regardless of the successes achieved. You are never too old to keep learning.


It is one of the skills that probably depends most directly on us. It is in our hands to continue studying, training ourselves to keep learning and thus adapt to the times we live in; or, on the contrary, to remain stagnant. For example, if the best lawyer twenty years ago had not continued studying and learning, today we would not trust him to defend a case for us.

When facing a job interview, we can demonstrate our learning capacity by asking if there is any training within the company or by investigating, for example, if there are blogs on a specific topic.