Today, work has become the main factor of social inclusion and must latvia phone number data be accessible to EVERYONE, without any discrimination based on sex, age, disability, etc. There are plenty of reasons to argue this and they may seem obvious, but it is worth briefly recalling them.
Why employment dignifies the person
1)- Because it differentiates us from other living beings. The performance of a daily and paid job is the exclusive heritage of humanity. Unlike other living beings, people can modify our essence, our routine and/or our behavior by carrying out a free and constant activity. When we work, therefore, we feel like an active part of the society of which we are a part.

2).- Because it is a source of motivation and people do not function without it . Work is not only the environment where we spend a third of our day, but it is also a driving force of motivation; a motivation that we all need to be happy. Without motivation there is no action and without action we feel inert.
3)- Because it gives us the greatest moments of self-esteem. It is at work where we reach the highest peaks of personal achievement. We find that, thanks to our knowledge or experience, we can carry out useful and remunerated work. This remuneration allows us, in turn, to improve our quality of life and that of our loved ones. All of this makes us feel socially recognized and valued. Self-esteem, in short.
4)- Because it prevents mental illnesses. Working requires a routine, planning and consistency. Keeping the mind occupied with work tasks allows us to put aside, even if only momentarily, worries and headaches. Thus, by focusing our attention on the routine (or not) tasks of work, we maintain balanced emotional health and prevent disorders such as depression.