PromoPages and Zen

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PromoPages and Zen

Post by Reddi2 »

What has changed after the Zen platform was transferred to VK Group?

There is no longer an advertising account for Yandex Zen, Promo Pages are configured on this site .
Previously, each promo article in Zen was published on the blogging platform. The user could like or share the link, go to the channel and subscribe. Now Yandex Promo Pages are no longer connected to channels in Zen. They work on the domain and use Turbo Pages loading technology.
The audience has grown from 20 to 96 million people the advantages of line database per day. Before the transition to VK Group, Promo Pages were only seen by users of the blogger platform, now the YAN audience has been added to them. It includes Yandex services (Afisha, Pogoda, Muzyka, Kinopoisk) and partner sites (for example, Avito, Aviasales, RBC) - a total of more than 50,000 sites and mobile applications.
Yandex Zen promotional posts were marked "Promo", now the inscription "Advertisement" is used.
The conversion rate from reading to clicking has increased: from 15% in Zen promo to 50% in Yandex Promo Pages.
Headlines have become shorter: in Zen the limit was 140 characters, now it is 56.
It is now possible to mark advertisements.
Promo Pages are now developed separately from the Zen platform. Banners leading to articles are shown on YAN sites, partner sites and in mobile applications. Automatic content targeting allows you to get targeted traffic without deep study of the target audience and with minimal time costs. The main thing in the promo post format is high-quality content that meets the needs and interests of users. Thanks to interesting material that you want to read to the end, and Scroll2Site technology, you can immediately lead the user to your landing page after reading the article. The relatively high entry threshold for an advertiser (75,000 rubles) can be reduced to 20,000 rubles if you study the materials and successfully answer the security questions. You can pay for promotion in the Promo Pages account or from a single account in Direct.
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