Once your goals are in place, the next step is thinking about how you want to deliver your content. What tactics do you want to use? At New Breed, we deliver content in a variety of ways from social media messages to blog posts to infographics to cheat sheets. We try to find inventive ways to translate our knowledge and expertise into digitally tangible offers our buyer personas can utilize.
The biggest mistake you could make is creating remarkable content first and THEN figuring out how your audiences are going to consume it. If you don’t know how you’re going to deliver all your hard work, then how do you even know what to create?
When you’re planning your content marketing strategy, you must band database remember to include different tactics to deliver your content. How you deliver your content is vital in producing the results you want.
B2B marketers, on average, use 13 tactics to reach their audiences. Social media is the most popular tactic with 87% of marketers utilizing the platforms. Articles, newsletters, blogs, case studies and video all follow with 73% - 81% of marketers leveraging them. But content marketing isn’t a tactic; it’s the battle plan.
Tip: Remember to get to know your buyer personas - it makes the delivery of your content that much easier and effective.
3: Not giving yourself enough time.
If you’re anything like me, when I get an idea for a new content offer, I run with it. I start sprinting, metaphorically, of course, through brainstorming, persona alignment and research. As I approach the creation component, I suddenly realize something.
I’m a horrible runner. I never get nearly as far running as I do walking.
The same goes for content marketing; I never get very far with my content creation if I try to rush through it. Unfortunately, too many people rush through content creation because they’re experiencing lack of time.
69% of B2B marketers cite that lack of time is a primary challenge. If you’re part of the majority of marketers who can’t find enough time to produce quality content, then you need to include a timeline in your planning process.
The easiest way to map out the time it’ll take for you to produce an engaging, converting content offer is to use a content calendar.
Download the Content Marketing guide to learn how to create valuable content and how to leverage it to generate leads
By using one you can:
Plan content around key events in your industry or important dates
See where you have gaps in your content plan
Make sure you have content ready in plenty of time to publish
Set deadlines for each step in the creation process