Use SEO-friendly software. We optimize our blog posts using HubSpot’s awesome SEO tool. You simply add the keyword(s) you are writing about and it assesses your entire article and points out the best areas for implementing your term. Going through this process before we publish ensures that each post is SEO optimized.
Plan your posts out ahead of time so you can focus on your selected keywords and keep your content relevant, remarkable and non-robot sounding.
Use headers and subheaders to organize your content for easy reading. self employed database Bullet points are also a useful formatting tool to keep your post easy to read and digestible.
Use anchor text to link parts of your post to other relevant content. It’s also helpful to include internal links so you can redirect readers to pages on your website or previously published blog posts.
Like we always say, create remarkable content. Not only will your readers appreciate what you say, but they may also link to your post in their articles.
Write captivating titles to attract readers and increase social sharing. Titles act as the headline of your post. If they aren’t enticing then they may not attract as many views as the content deserves!
Keep in mind that having more keywords will not produce a higher ranking. Focus on one really good keyword and create valuable content around it.
Now that you’ve written (and published) all this great content, you may think that’s the end of that road. You could just stop at this step, but there are many ways to get even more from your content.
Try some of these blogging tips to help give your content a longer shelf life:
Schedule and scatter social media posts throughout the next couple months. You can create several snippets of just one blog post to make social posting much easier.
Refresh an old topic by rewriting it to include some updated tips and keywords and then republish.
Post your content to LinkedIn as your business or an announcement in a relevant group.
Create an infographic using your original content. The steps to a successful infographic are: tell your story in a concise way, have a visually appealing style, keep it simple, size it appropriately for your platform, include accurate statistics, optimize it for shareability, and cite your sources.