When someone decides to start a marketing agency, they definitely need to work (or have a team that works) on several fronts to generate results for their clients. And, within this context, the creation of a visual identity can sometimes be neglected.
After all, there are so many services that can be offered that the focus often ends up being only on what tends to “give quick profits”, such as paid traffic. However, even when it comes to increasing profits, visual identity ends up being indispensable.
So, how about understanding a little more about it right now?
To do this, simply continue reading the next paragraphs.
Remembering what a visual identity is
Social media management, for example, is an important service for your agency's portfolio.
However, if the client served does not have a very well-defined exclusive visual identity, even the service mentioned will be far from the expressive results that it can actually generate.
And this is due to the fact that the identity in question is nothing more than the set of all the elements that, acting visually, are capable of transmitting the essence of a company.
It includes several elements, such as the typography used in the name and other texts, the colors and the chosen slogan.
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Why your agency should offer a unique visual identity for each client
Based on what was explained above, it is possible to understand, therefore, that the importance of creating a visual identity that is truly unique for each client of your agency lies basically in the identification aspect .
After all, if it is well constructed, any element of this identity will mean that, upon first glance, the public will already know which company it is. Not to mention the fact that a well-worked client in this sense conveys credibility and a much higher level of professionalism, do you agree?
In fact… This is even valid for your business!
It is worth reflecting on the visual identity of your own company (your agency), so that potential clients can look at it and be sure that they will be in the hands of professionals who are truly capable of creating something unique for them.
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And here's an interesting piece of information: the visual identity created doesn't necessarily need to last forever , you know?
In fact, it is extremely common to see famous brands redoing some of their elements, even after decades of operation. What dictates the need for change is the essence and concept of the company itself: if these points have changed over time and it is realized that a new identity is needed to accompany them, there is no problem.
This is an initiative that also includes websites
Last but not least, it is worth noting that the visual identity of each of your clients must be very well replicated even on the websites created for them. In other words: the fonts used in the texts, the colors and other elements chosen must match 100% with what the public will find on their social media profiles and graphic materials, for example.
And, when it comes to this, you and your team don’t need to have any kind of concern, because we, at Terceirizando Web , are here to help!
We know how difficult it can be to manage a marketing agency and give due attention to clients while also having to deal with all kinds of tasks, which is why we take care of creating websites for clients of numerous agencies.
This way, they can focus on the business itself, while we take care of creating high-performance websites that really generate results.
And your agency can also be part of this reality!
Talk to the Terceirizando Web team right now to find out more details about how we will contribute positively to the growth of your business, without any obligation.
If you prefer, you can also visit our official website to learn about our services (which also include management software and website hosting , for example).