We hasten to disprove the myth that the smart feed gives preference only to posts with topics that are currently at the peak of popularity among a wide range of users. For example, the above-mentioned Canceled channel will be more noticed by the robot, since it belongs to the gaming industry popular with users. But other pages that cannot be classified due to their out-of-the-ordinary content will not fall into the robot's field of vision, because it simply does not know who to recommend such posts to.
This is a fallacy! The Prometheus algorithm mail marketing to doctors tries to build associative chains, predicting what information might be of interest to regular users of the network. Due to the operation of this scheme, one day this post popped up in the recommendations of many users:
Clever use of VK algorithms to get a publication into the smart feed
The author of this publication found a use for his creativity in drawing anime characters and trying them on public transport. Artificial intelligence noticed this idea and considered it interesting, providing the project with free advertising.
The algorithm takes into account only native content
Native content for VKontakte means the use of material created specifically for the social network and pre-uploaded to the public. The system does not take into account short announcements of a couple of sentences that are accompanied by embed inserts. The algorithm automatically works only with content uploaded to the VK server. You can get the Prometheus mark only if:
you should write posts only through the VK editor;
upload photos using the site's albums;
video and audio should be pre-loaded into your own player and only then added to the post;
periodically communicate with the audience via streams on the VK LIVE platform.
Unacceptable topics for Prometheus
Prometheus has 2 unacceptable topics: adult (all content 18+) and shock content, which causes negativity from most people (murder, violence, racial discrimination, filming of surgical operations and much more). In addition, the system automatically filters various "garbage" publics created only for the purpose of selling advertising space. Therefore, be careful with the content and do not abuse the placement of promotional posts.
Prometheus will help you quickly attract a new audience
This is a serious misconception. Yes, the Prometheus algorithm will help attract the audience's attention and increase the reach by an average of 10 times, but it will not help "retain" the viewer if the rest of your content is not interesting. The algorithm attracts an inert audience, allowing you to grow your base.
Positive dynamics are visible to the naked eye, but it is important to understand that everything depends on the subject, frequency of publications and quality of your content. No one will subscribe to a half-dead public, people choose living communities where exclusive photos are published. Therefore, spend less time on the desire to get the Prometheus badge, and start thinking about ideas on how to work closely with your audience and attract their attention. It is not enough to get the coveted fire, it is important to hold on to it!
We tried to tell everything that is available in open sources about the Prometheus algorithm and the smart VKontakte feed. Naturally, these are far from all the factors taken into account by neural networks when analyzing the relevance of posts. If all the secrets were on the surface, targeted advertising would lose its meaning. But besides everything else, the VKontakte social network lives off the creativity of its users. If there were no funny posts, memes, funny videos, the site would turn into a simple messenger, of which there are too many now. But such content makers need their own audience, capable of appreciating their efforts in a freely convertible equivalent. As long as both systems are dependent on each other, no one will be left without work.
The popularity of the post topic does not matter
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- Joined: Sat Dec 28, 2024 6:03 am