Do you want to stand out? Do you want your messages to be answered? Do germany telegram data you want your potential customers to be interested in your brand and your products/services? Then you should bet on Social Selling .
Social Selling: The key to getting your messages across
What is Social Selling really?
This is a sales technique that is carried out through social networks, normally from LinkedIn, the professional network par excellence.

By using your personal brand, positioning yourself as an expert or specialist in a specific sector or topic, you generate trust in your contacts and interact with them. A way to generate visibility for your brand, but from a personal profile, showing that there is a person behind it and not a robot.
What is Social Selling and why should you put it into practice?
The reason is clear, because you want to increase your sales and visibility of your brand .
But to do this, it is important that you know the needs and interests of your Internet users. A difficult task if you cannot see them physically or have never spoken to them. In short, if you don't know them at all.
But that's what social media is for. Thanks to it, you'll be able to find out more about users than you might imagine. You'll know what sector they're in, what they work in, what their position is, what they're looking for, who they interact with and how, etc.
How to start doing Social Selling?
First key point: Plan a strategy that takes into account the following points:
What objective or objectives do you have, who are you targeting and what resources will you use to achieve them?
One of the objectives is clear: sell more, but how are you going to achieve this? It is from this question that the rest of the objectives and resources you have available (ebooks, brochures, landing pages, guides, videos, infographics, etc.) come into play to reach the person you are interested in.
What are you going to show him?
How are you going to show him?
What audience are you interested in reaching? Knowing the Buyer Persona is essential.
What tone will you use?
It's time to put yourself in the shoes of the potential client who will receive your messages and content and ask yourself all the questions that he or she might have.
Observe, analyze and listen
Do you already know your objectives and your Buyer Persona? Then it's time to:
Observe him: What does he do? How does he interact? What interests him?...
Analyze it: What worries him? On which social networks does he act the most? Is he active or passive?...
Listen to him: What kind of contributions does he make on social media? What kind of comments does he usually leave? How does he write? How does he speak? ...
Who will interact with the potential client?
Taking into account the observation, analysis and listening you have done of your Buyer Persona , you have surely already drawn some conclusions about what he or she is like, what worries him or her, what interests him or her and how to address him or her. Therefore, the time has come to choose the salesperson who will be in charge of carrying out the Social Selling strategy.