That way, people can sign up and dive in whenever they have the need (and budget) for training.Pull the team together (at a safe distance)Though we’re experienced remote workers, the discomfort, distraction, and anxiety from all the changes to our personal and business lives is inescapable. To help each other stay close and focused as a team, we’ve started a few new practices.Every Monday, we use our Microsoft Teams space as a place for NETMA (Nobody Ever Tells Me Anything) posts, an idea based on a practice at a former job of Cathy McPhillips, our vice president of marketing.
ing they’re excited about working on, something others taiwan cp number might not know about that they’re doing, or something they might need help with. Now everybody knows (almost) everything happening at CMI.We try to mix in a personal element, too. Some weeks we share something interesting we’ve read, watched, or listened to. Some weeks it’s photos of our workspaces or favorite coffee mugs. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Content Marketing Institute (@cmicontent) on Apr , at :am PDTPets make frequent appearances.
Shared photos from neighborhood walks and out-the-window views help us feel like – yep – we’re all in this together, even though we’re physically apart.We even created and sent a team puzzle to everyone’s home, then shared the completed puzzles of our own smiling faces. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Content Marketing Institute (@cmicontent) on Apr , at :am PDTI’m thankful for the great team I work with every day in the best of times and the worst of times.