Type Indicator (MBTI) classifications can be useful

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Type Indicator (MBTI) classifications can be useful

Post by arzina221 »

Problem statement based on customer journey
Formulate a joint problem statement, so that everyone is aware of the problem you want to solve. It can be useful to map out the customer journey with customer journey maps: you visualize the steps of the journey, the touchpoints and interactions with your organization (and channels) and the emotions of the customer. Where are the biggest challenges in the current customer journey? Robert van Nouhuys previously wrote an extensive article about this . You can also find interesting examples of customer journey maps on Pinterest .

Screenshot 2013-06-21 at 13.02.13

Joint vision on project
Create a shared vision on (online) marketing and communication. Which trends and visions appeal to you? Be inspired by holistic visions such as Service Design or Design Thinking, which – in short – is aimed at designing a service in which the entire customer journey is central (instead of separate services and products).

design thinking

Or, more specifically for your site or intranet, look at Gerry McGovern's Top Task Management , which assumes that just a small set of tasks on your site deliver the vast majority of business value.

Get inspired by the different ways you can set up the design process with Jared Spool's Design Decision Styles . Or look at Lean UX , which focuses on designing and testing ideas faster based on all the assumptions that are present with the different stakeholders.

Road map
Create a roadmap in which you record which activities and features are planned when. Don't be too specific here - you will work out the exact functionalities and components later. A roadmap is mainly oman phone data aimed at prioritizing the main points: this road map gives direction to your project planning.

Develop personas that literally and figuratively give your target audience a face. Describe who they are, what they expect and why. Myer-Briggs

User stories
user storyThis describes which actions your customers want to perform on your website, intranet or app in which context (reason, need, devices). Think of: as a prospective student I want to know which courses are offered in my city, so that I can orient myself properly. A user story session or workshop usually produces a large list of concrete actions. Then prioritize this list based on your priority in target groups and objectives. More about user stories as a strategic design tool (English) .
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