Methods of conducting neuromarketing research

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Methods of conducting neuromarketing research

Post by rakibhasan02 »

The basic idea of ​​neuromarketing is that our purchasing decisions are made at a subconscious level. Our choices can be heavily influenced by marketing strategies that actively use five main channels of perception:

Visual channel: product appearance, color scheme and packaging design.
Sound channel: the melody that plays in a store or in an advertisement.
Olfaction: The smell in a store can create a certain atmosphere.
Touch: How the product feels when you touch it.
And finally, the nuances of taste: taste plays an important role.
With the help of special equipment, it is penetration data possible to visualize the body’s reactions to various stimuli: find out how attention is distributed, evaluate emotional reactions and their intensity.

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Neuromarketing research is usually available only to large companies, who order it from special laboratories or conduct it themselves. The main goal of such research is to evaluate the effectiveness of branding, product design, advertising, interaction with online services and entertainment activities. Recently, companies have increasingly turned to neuromarketing to evaluate the reaction of potential customers to commercials, websites and TV series.

Popular neuromarketing methods:

fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) allows us to obtain an image of brain activity at the moment of interaction with a stimulus. This is a unique opportunity to develop the most effective advertising strategies that can appeal to the right feelings and evoke the desired emotions.
EEG (electroencephalography) measures the electrical activity of the brain, allowing patterns of activity associated with certain emotional states to be identified and used to create more precisely tailored advertising campaigns.
Measurement of physiological parameters such as heart rate, respiration and changes in skin resistance.
Recording facial muscle contractions using a high-resolution camera. Analyzing this data helps us understand what emotions a person is experiencing.
One of the powerful neuromarketing tools that can provide unique information about the consumer is video or eye tracking technology. It allows you to decipher the preferences and behavior of consumers, note what they pay attention to and what elements attract them for the longest time. This advanced approach has already found wide application in research on the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, text perception, and the evaluation of the usability of programs and websites.

Methods of conducting neuromarketing research
Methods of conducting neuromarketing research
An eye tracker is an innovative device for analyzing visual stimuli that is widely used in the study of advertising images, video fragments, design elements and packaging. It allows you to create a unique “heat map” using colors to display the exact places a person pays attention to and record how long they focus on them.

Another effective method is to combine eye tracking with a virtual 3D environment that simulates store shelves. This allows you to quickly assess the attractiveness of packaging and the effectiveness of product placement on shelves without resorting to creating physical prototypes. Unilever is one of the most well-known companies that has conducted such studies.

After one of them, Axe decided to make changes to the packaging design of its shower gels and deodorants. One of the key modifications was highlighting the product name on the packaging. In addition, the company recommended that sellers place the products on inclined shelves so that the bottles were always facing the buyer to attract the eye. Thus, sales in the deodorant category increased by 3.5%.
An example of an innovative approach to marketing research comes from the canned soup company Campbells. By 2008, the company's management realized that traditional survey methods were not producing significant improvements in sales.

In this regard, it was decided to conduct a two-year study, which included several innovative methods: physiological changes associated with emotional state were measured, and buyers' reactions to the products were analyzed. Eye tracking and a special type of interview aimed at tracking emotional reactions and associations with the products were also used.

The study showed that biological indicators, manifested in specific changes, dictate the decision to purchase a product. A long stay at the shelf with the product and the choice of a large number of cans of soup led to more significant changes. However, the attractiveness of the picture on the packaging left much to be desired, and many similar cans with a bright name of the manufacturer confused buyers and led to a decrease in the number of purchases.

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The idea was to improve the visual presentation of the soup by adding a steam element above it instead of the spoon image and introducing color coding. The manufacturer's logo was also moved down. Thus, the packaging became more attractive and emotionally engaging, which simplified orientation among the large assortment.

Eye-tracking studies have confirmed that our attention is always drawn to the human face. We subconsciously react to even the simplest schematic images of faces, which can convey new information to us. People also have the ability to track the direction of other people's gaze. When we communicate with someone, the direction of the interlocutor's gaze indicates where to shift our attention.

During a study on the effectiveness of print advertising using an image of a product – Sunsilk shampoo – and the face of an attractive girl, interesting facts were discovered: out of 200 participants, only 6% paid attention to the packaging design.

But if the girl in the ad looked to the left, at the packaging, then 84% of the people around her automatically turned their heads in the same direction. As a result, the perception of the shampoo was improved, and the logo at the bottom of the page attracted attention.
There is no special “buying zone” in the human brain that would control consumer behavior. It is determined by the complex interaction of various systems and areas of the brain that perform higher cognitive functions. Marketing science does not seek to control consumer behavior, but rather studies and predicts it. It studies human behavior in the context of market relations – one of the key areas of human activity.
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